Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 284 Bone System Ability (ask for bookshelf!)

However, soon, the zombie rushed towards Li Chong again. Li Chong had no choice but to raise his golden-backed machete to fight against the zombie. Seeing this, the people on the hillside stopped shooting, fearing that Li Chong would be injured by mistake.

Although the occasional shooting attacks by the people on the hillside allowed Li Chong to rest for a while, the bullets could not hurt the zombie at all under the blocking of the zombie's claws. Li Chong was not as fast as the zombie and could not escape at all. Li Chong, who was fighting with the zombie, was soon covered with scars and scratches, like a blood gourd. Fortunately, the zombie's claws could not pierce the golden-backed machete, and Li Chong did not have fatal injuries, but even so, Li Chong felt a little uncomfortable.

After a while of fighting, the zombie seemed to be enraged. With a kick of his feet, he rushed to Li Chong's front at a faster speed than before, and a claw attacked Li Chong's chest. Li Chong was also flustered by this. He had no time to dodge, so he could only raise the golden-backed machete horizontally and put it against his chest to block his chest.

With a "bang", the zombie's claws directly hit the golden-backed machete. Although the sharp nails only left a mark on the machete, the huge force directly knocked Li Chong out.

Li Chong was directly knocked out, and his body fell heavily to the ground. He spit out a mouthful of blood, which directly dyed the golden-backed machete red. Watching the zombie walking towards him step by step, Li Chong wanted to raise the golden-backed machete, but found that he didn't even have the strength to stand up, so he could only let the zombie walk towards him slowly.

Seeing that the zombie came close, the claws were already raised towards him, and Li Chong was a little desperate. He could already imagine the scene of the zombie's claws reaching into his head.

With a "squeak", when the zombie's claws were only 10 centimeters away from Li Chong's head, Li Chong felt a snow-white object flash before his eyes, which caught the zombie's sharp claws and collided with each other.

The person who came was Liu Jie. After meeting this zombie just now, Liu Jie knew that this zombie was very powerful. After getting off the car, Liu Jie hid in the grass beside the road. While observing the battle between Li Chong and the zombie, he sought an opportunity to kill this zombie with one blow. But this zombie was too powerful. Before Liu Jie could find an opportunity, the zombie hit Li Chong seriously and then the zombie was going to kill Li Chong. Helplessly, Liu Jie had to rush out of the grass and use his supernatural power to block the zombie's attack.

Li Chong saw that the white object that blocked the zombie's claws was actually a bone.

One end of the bone blocked the zombie's claws, and the other end was held in Liu Jie's hand. No, to be precise, the bone actually grew out of Liu Jie's arm.

The zombie's claws were so sharp that even the car shell, which was made of steel, could be easily cut. At this moment, it hit Liu Jie's outstretched bone hard, but it didn't cut it.

In fact, this is Liu Jie's ability, which can freely manipulate the bones in the body, not only the shape, but also the number. However, the current ability level is too low, and the range of manipulation is limited. Moreover, because he is a superpower, Liu Jie's bones are also different from ordinary people. They are very hard and powerful.

After blocking the zombie's claws with one blow, the zombie also retreated to the back and kept a distance from Liu Jie.

Liu Jie turned his head and looked back at Li Chong, then directly stretched out two white bones from the position of his arms, stretched them forward, used them as weapons, and fought with the zombie.

However, although Liu Jie's ability was unique, his level was too low after all. He could not pose a threat to the zombie at all. On the contrary, he was at a disadvantage in the battle with the zombie.

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