Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 285: Cooperate against the enemy (ask for bookshelf!)

With a "bang", the two were separated again. Liu Jie was already sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

"Ahem" Liu Jie coughed twice. The fight with the zombies just now was too dangerous. Liu Jie was almost stabbed by the claws of the zombies many times. Thanks to his stronger physical strength and concentration, he was able to avoid the zombie attacks.

"Tap-tat-tat" Another series of bullets were fired at the zombies. The people on the hillside would shoot at the zombie whenever they found an opening.

Liu Jie, on the other hand, took advantage of his free time and directly used his superpower again. Li Chong, who was already squatting in the back, saw that the clothes behind Liu Jie were slowly being pushed up, and several small holes were neatly pierced through the clothes from the middle position. The white bones gradually protrude from the clothes, slowly bending from back to front, completely surrounding Liu Jie's body.

This move is Liu Jie's defensive move. He surrounds his body with bones to protect his body. With Liu Jie's level 3 superpower, he has developed his superpower to such an extent. It has to be said that Liu Jie's superpower is powerful.

After transforming, Liu Jie rushed towards the zombie again. One person and one corpse were fighting in one place, and it was quite lively. With the defense formed by bones, Liu Jie became more relaxed, and the battle with the zombie became more intense. The zombie's sharp claws hit the outer bones of Liu Jie's body many times, but were unable to cause any damage to Liu Jie's body.

However, the zombie was powerful enough and slapped Liu Jie's body with a claw. Although it did not cause any harm to Liu Jie's body, it directly knocked Liu Jie's thin body away and fell down. next to.

"Tatatata" As long as they see the zombies separated from Liu Jie by a certain distance, the people on the hillside will quickly shoot at the zombies. Fortunately, the zombie saw Liu Jie falling to the side and wanted to rush forward in a hurry. Before he could pay attention to the bullets on the hillside, a bullet hit the zombie's instep directly. The dirty blood flowed directly from the hole, but it had no effect on the zombie's actions.

After getting up, Liu Jie's face became paler due to the high-intensity fighting. Not only that, his body also became trembling due to the violent coughing.

Upon seeing this, Li Chong thrust the golden-backed machete on the ground and stood up unsteadily. He walked to Liu Jie and stood together with Liu Jie, planning to deal with the zombie together with Liu Jie.

"Xiaojie, I will be the main attack in a moment to attract the attention of the zombies. You will assist at the side and look for opportunities to attack the zombies and find opportunities to kill them with one blow." Li Chong held his chest and said to Liu Jie.

"Brother Chong, you are physically injured, why don't you let me take the main attack while you look for opportunities to kill him." Liu Jie replied.

"Your powers are powerful, but your strength is too small to fight the zombies head-on. It's better for me to take the main attack. That's the decision." Li Chong directly dissuaded you.

Li Chong endured the surging in his internal organs, rolled on the spot, and attacked the zombie's lower three legs. Seeing Li Chong attacking the zombies, the people on the hillside stopped shooting.

Seeing Li Chong coming over, the zombie also lowered its body, bent down, and attacked Li Chong continuously. In this way, the zombie's back was exposed.

Upon seeing this, Liu Jie walked around behind the zombie and roared. The bones protruding from his arms had changed. From the original thick bones, they gradually became smaller and sharper at the tips.

With a slight leap, he jumped up and stabbed directly at the zombie's head from behind. The zombie seemed to be aware of Liu Jie behind him. He lowered his head and stabbed Li Chong's head on the ground with his claws while stretching his feet upward. Li Chong, who was squatting on the ground to attack, saw this and quickly rolled away from the ground to avoid the attack. He was extremely embarrassed.

Liu Jie's sharp bone dagger was originally aimed at the zombie's head, but the zombie dodged it. The sharp bones were inserted directly into the zombie's back. Liu Jie swiped hard and opened a large gash in the zombie's back.

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