Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 286 Blood Bone Lotus (ask for bookshelf!)

"Ouch!" The zombie howled in pain, and kicked Liu Jie with his legs, sending him flying. Thanks to the defense formed by the bones on his body, Liu Jie did not suffer more serious injuries, but even so, Liu Jie spit out a mouthful of blood, rubbed his chest in pain, and coughed more violently.

"Xiao Jie, are you okay?" Li Chong on the other side saw this and shouted loudly to Liu Jie.

Seeing this, the people on the hillside also quickly shot at the zombie standing in the middle, as if bullets were free.

However, the zombie standing in the middle was not very comfortable after being attacked by Liu Jie. A big cut was pulled on his back, and dirty blood mixed with muscle tissue flowed to the ground along the wound. The zombie stood in the middle, howling in pain, and because of the injury on his back, the zombie's movement to block bullets was much slower. Even so, the bullets close to the zombies were still blocked by the zombies, and could not cause more damage to the zombies.

"Cough cough cough." Liu Jie was kicked by the zombies and coughed even more. He shook his hand at Li Chong on the opposite side, took a deep breath, and then replied: "Brother Chong, I'm fine."

Seeing this, Li Chong became even more furious. Although Li Chong was reckless, he was very loyal. If Liu Jie, who came to rescue him, was injured because of saving him, then he really didn't know how to face everyone in the base. What's more, Liu Jie is still young. Although he has superpowers, he is still a child in the eyes of everyone in the base.

Raising the golden-backed machete, Li Chong endured the pain in his chest, roared, and jumped high, raised the golden-backed machete high above his head, and was about to chop the zombie's head.

The zombie was also directly enraged. One claw blocked Li Chong's golden machete and grabbed it fiercely with the claw. The other claw hit Li Chong directly, knocking Li Chong out and hitting the car heavily. The strong body was directly broken by the zombies. Two ribs were broken, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Brother Chong." Liu Jie stood behind the zombie and shouted loudly.

Seeing Li Chong being hit hard by the zombies, Liu Jie roared loudly. Because of anxiety, Liu Jie's face turned pale at this moment. At the same time, the whole person was very excited and coughed more violently.

As he spoke, Liu Jie stood on the road with his legs, looking at the zombie in front with a firm look, as if he had made a great determination. At this moment, it was already evening, and the red sunset shone on Liu Jie's still young face and body, stretching Liu Jie's shadow very long.

"Blood Bone Lotus"

Liu Jie roared, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and used his strongest move.

The people on the hillside saw that the bones surrounding Liu Jie's upper body slowly turned red, and finally turned red, just like the color of blood. Then, Liu Jie's face became paler and paler, and even his skin could not see any blood color.

The zombie that was running towards Liu Jie was tripped and fell directly to the ground. Everyone looked over and saw that on the ground under the zombie's feet, several sharp bone spurs stretched out out of thin air. Like the bones on Liu Jie's body, they were red, long and sharp. Then, the range of the bone spurs gradually increased, and later the area where the zombie was located was all covered with bone spurs. Those sharp bone spurs directly pierced a lot of blood holes in the zombie that fell to the ground. At first, the zombie struggled and wanted to stand up. However, soon, the bone spurs around the zombie's body changed. The bone spurs overlapped and tied the zombie's body to the ground. In the end, even the zombie's head was directly pierced by the bones, and the zombie lay on a piece of bones and stopped moving.

Liu Jie behind him activated this powerful ability by using his own blood and qi to instantly increase his strength to activate such a powerful ability.

However, using blood and qi to instantly increase strength is very physically demanding and can even cause great harm to the user's body. In addition, Liu Jie himself had a more serious disease. When he was fighting against the zombies just now, he kept sweating on his head. Thanks to Liu Jie's firm will and gritted his teeth to persist, he was able to get rid of the zombie.

At this moment, seeing that the zombie was solved. Liu Jie could no longer hold on, and his whole body fell back and fell heavily to the ground.

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