Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 288 Discovering the granary (ask for the bookshelf!)

The group continued to drive forward. They did not encounter large-scale zombies blocking them along the way, but they did not gain much along the way. It seemed that someone had come from the side road and searched most of the food here. There were a lot of furniture and the like, but Li Ke still wanted to search for the most scarce food now.

Li Ke sat in the back of the truck, looking at the only one truck of supplies, and asked: "Most of the food here has been searched. Does anyone know where there are large supermarkets or grain and oil stores?"

"I do know one. Before the end of the world, there was a large food center there, but I don't know if there are zombies there." One of the people sitting on the truck replied.

"What are you afraid of? The most scarce thing in our base now is food. There is such a food station, why don't you hurry over. As for zombies, aren't we here to fight zombies? There were zombies at the supermarket just now." Li Ke said indifferently.

"Hurry up and lead the way to the food station." Li Ke continued.

After saying that, three trucks and a car quickly set off towards the grain station.

The closer they got, the louder the zombies' howling became. From a distance, they could hear a large number of zombies howling.

The car that Wang Peng was sitting in front of the grain station stopped directly in front of the three trucks when it was one street away from the grain station.

Li Ke saw Wang Peng stop the car, jumped off the truck, and walked in front of Wang Peng.

"Wang Peng, why did you stop the car? Is there something wrong?" Li Ke walked to Wang Peng and asked.

"Brother Ke, do we really have to go to the grain station? I have been perceiving it all the time, and I found that there seemed to be a lot of zombies gathered at the location of the first warehouse alone, and the number was at least more than 10,000." Wang Peng explained.

"So many zombies? But there is no way, right? We are all here, why don't we take a look before we leave? Let's take a look at the situation first. If the number of zombies is too large, we will think of a way." Li Ke said without turning back.

In fact, it is no wonder that Li Ke wants to continue exploring. He brought 5 trucks and the most people. It is clear that Xiao Qiang regarded him as the main force to search here. But now he only got two trucks of supplies. Now that he finally has such a large grain station, Li Ke is naturally unwilling to give up.

"Okay, let's go observe it first." Wang Peng replied.

The car turned into the street where the grain station was located. Everyone could see the main entrance of the grain station from the car. There were many zombies standing. The big iron gate was just hanging on the stone pillar and could be knocked down at any time.

In order not to disturb the zombies, Li Ke waved his hand and stopped the convoy in the distance.

After getting out of the car and approaching Wang Peng, Lin Fei said, "How can we detect how many zombies there are?"

Wang Peng said, "The exact number cannot be detected, but the number of zombies here alone is at least more than 20,000."

"That's too many. Even if one bullet is used to deal with one zombie, I'm afraid it won't be able to deal with so many zombies." Li Ke was a little worried when he heard it.

As he spoke, Li Ke looked around and pointed to a 6-story building next to the granary and said, "Let's go there and go up to the top of the building to see the situation of the granary first."

"Yeah," Wang Peng nodded and followed Li Ke to the location of the building. After walking a few steps, he saw Lin Fei also opened the car door, holding two knives, and walked forward behind the two of them.

Along the way, zombies swaying on the road can be seen everywhere, but they are all low-level zombies. With Li Ke leading the way in front, the three of them quickly arrived at the building.

After entering the building, the three of them killed more than 20 zombies in succession before climbing to the roof of the building.

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