Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 289 A huge number of zombies (ask for the bookshelf!)

After reaching the rooftop, Wang Peng was confused by the dense zombies in the courtyard of the grain station. He stood on the rooftop in a daze.

"Wang Peng, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Lin Fei saw Wang Peng staring at the zombies and asked.

"Nothing? I just feel something is strange. Although these zombies usually gather, they are not as concentrated as they are now. They are all in the grain station. There are less than 100 zombies on the road and in such a large commercial building. What is so magical about this grain station that so many zombies gather here, and this place is not the city center." Wang Peng said all his doubts in one breath.

Li Ke, who was watching the zombies downstairs, turned his head and looked at Wang Peng when he heard Wang Peng's words.

"Yeah, I can feel that there is a strong breath in the grain station. There should be very powerful zombies." Lin Fei took the initiative to talk.

In fact, according to the different physiques of each person, even if they are at the same level of strong, they will focus on some special aspects. For example, Li Chong focuses on strength, while Lin Fei can feel the enemy's breath.

"What about breath? What powerful zombies? If you are afraid, I can go in and try it myself and explore the way for you." Li Ke said disdainfully.

"You'd better not take risks. That zombie is not something you can deal with." Lin Fei glanced at Li Ke and said.

Li Ke was about to talk, but Wang Peng looked at Lin Fei with a serious face and asked: "Can you tell me the level of that zombie?"

Lin Fei shook his head. Seeing this, Li Ke curled his lips and said: "Huh, what's the matter? We are already in front of the grain depot. If we don't get some food, what are we doing here? Besides, there are so many zombies here, which means it must have not been searched before."

Wang Peng looked around and suddenly saw a small grain depot across the street from the grain station. It should also belong to the grain station, but because there is a road in the middle, there are not many zombies there, about 200.

"There seems to be a small grain depot there, why don't we move the supplies there first? There are not many zombies there." Wang Peng pointed to the small grain depot and said to the two.

"It's feasible there, but it's only one street away from the big grain station. If you shoot, it will probably alarm the zombies here." Li Ke took a look and said.

"So, we will take a detour from another road and try not to alarm the zombies here. When we get there, we can't use guns. We can only deal with the zombies in close combat. I roughly counted and there are only about 200 zombies. Under the leadership of the two of you, we can definitely deal with them quickly. Wang Peng patted the shoulders of the two and said.

Lin Fei heard Wang Peng's words and said solemnly: "Although there are few zombies over there, I still suggest you leave here quickly and don't touch the things here. The breath of that zombie is really too strong. "

"Hehe, breath, it's very simple to kill these zombies. If some people don't dare to go, they can just watch in the car and get off after we deal with the zombies. I can deal with so few zombies by myself." After hearing what Lin Fei said, Li Ke teased directly.

"Humph, go ahead. Go over and kill these zombies now. I can deal with them by myself. "Although Lin Fei usually doesn't pay much attention to Li Ke, he is also a young man with full blood. How can he bear Li Ke's sarcasm, especially since he has just reached the 7th level of the strong man.

After speaking, Lin Fei held his double swords and walked downstairs first.

"Go from here, go from here, why not." Li Ke said a word, and then walked down the stairs.

Wang Peng, who was left on the roof, was also speechless, and had to follow the two of them and walk downstairs.

When they got downstairs, they saw that the two of them actually walked directly from the main road to the small warehouse of the grain station on the other side.

Wang Peng was even more speechless. These two people were happy to be the boss, but they walked over so arrogantly. Isn't it too arrogant. However, fortunately, these two people are strong enough to kill those low-level zombies on the road, which is also very easy and will not cause any big commotion.

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