Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 290: Two people competing (ask for bookshelf!)

Wang Peng had no choice but to run to the location of the truck alone, and led everyone along another road to the road in front of the small warehouse of the grain station.

After getting off the car, Wang Peng arranged for the driver to turn all the cars around and park them on the road, with the front of the car facing outward, so that everyone could escape quickly when encountering zombies.

At the same time, No. 20 people were directly dispatched to guard various intersections to prevent large numbers of zombie attacks. Especially in the position facing the large warehouse of the grain station, 10 of them were directly sent to watch whether any zombies would suddenly come out.

He also told everyone not to shoot unless it was absolutely necessary. If there were too many zombies, get in the car and run away. The driver should not get out of the car and he could drive away at any time.

"After entering the small warehouse of the grain station, we will form a group of two. Don't shoot with guns. Try to use cold weapons to deal with these zombies. Be sure to pay attention to safety." Wang Peng stood at the door and said to the remaining 70 people.

After saying this, Wang Peng took off his crescent bow and entered the grain station first. I saw zombie corpses on the ground in the small courtyard of the grain station. The corpses were either killed by a knife, or their throats were pinched directly by sharp claws. Looking forward along the courtyard, I saw two figures, fighting among the zombies. Being surrounded by zombies, I didn't panic, but felt a little excited.

Not only that, the two people seemed to be in a competition. One of them killed one zombie and looked at the other provocatively, while the other side directly killed two zombies.

When Wang Peng saw this, he realized that among the more than 200 zombies here, if these people he brought were a little later, they would probably be wiped out by Lin Fei and Li Ke.

With a wave of his hand, Wang Peng directed the people behind him to go up and help and deal with the zombies at the Xiaoliang Station as quickly as possible to avoid disturbing the group of zombies next to him. Wang Peng walked toward the warehouse alone. As soon as he opened the door curtain of the warehouse, a zombie with a scarred face came right in front of Wang Peng. Wang Peng was also frightened and hurriedly hid behind him. He rolled backwards, separated himself from the zombies, squatted half-crouched on the ground, quickly nocked his bow and shot an arrow, and shot an arrow directly from the zombie's mouth. The zombie wanted to howl, but all he could say in his voice was "Woo-woo." "The sound was heard and he fell to the ground.

Now Wang Peng didn't dare to be careless. He moved the door curtain to both sides. After some light entered the warehouse, he held the crescent bow tightly and walked towards the warehouse. The warehouse occupies a small area. The entire warehouse adds up to just over 200 square meters. However, there are quite a lot of goods stored inside. The food is all piled high and neatly packed in bags.

Beside the warehouse. Only a few bags were torn by the claws of zombies, and the flour was stained with blood.

Wang Peng took a look at the warehouse and saw that there were no other zombies inside. He hung the crescent bow on his back, took out the dagger from his waist, and stabbed it directly into a bag of clean flour near him. White flour instantly flowed out from the breach where Wang Peng inserted it. Wang Peng stretched out his hand, grabbed a handful of flour, put it to his nose, and asked. Although some of it was damp, it was generally edible. This warehouse was originally used to store grain, so all aspects of food storage The protection is still very good. Wang Peng calculated that this much flour would be enough for the people at the base to feed them for several months.

"Holy shit, we're going to get rich with this much flour. This flour is enough for us to eat for several months." Li Key said loudly as soon as he entered the warehouse and saw so much food.

"Shh, keep your voice down. Don't disturb the zombies next to you." Wang Peng put his index finger on his lips and said to Li Ke.

Before Li Ke's cat claws could change back, he raised his claws and waved to Wang Peng, indicating that he understood. He raised his paw, and then he saw clearly that he hadn't transformed back yet, so he hurriedly transformed back.

"I took a look just now. The food is well preserved. Except for those contaminated by zombie blood, all the food should be edible." Wang Peng continued.

"Then what are you waiting for? There is so much food, we didn't come here in vain today. I just said that we should come and take a look. Isn't there a harvest now? Find someone to move it quickly." Li Ke couldn't restrain himself either. Said excitedly.

"Have all the zombies been dealt with? Where has Lin Fei gone?" Wang Peng asked cautiously.

"Don't worry, I have taken care of all the zombies in such a big yard, and Lin Fei went outside." Li Ke replied.

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