Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 291: The Fourth Gate, Lotus Flower (Ask for the bookshelf!)

After dealing with the zombies in the small grain station, Lin Fei put away his double swords and walked out. Although he had some quarrels with Li Ke just now, Lin Fei was still a little worried about the zombie in the big grain station next to him, so he stood at the intersection to guard against the zombies there, fearing that the zombies would rush over.

Soon, under the command of Li Ke and Wang Peng, everyone began to move the food. Seeing so much food, everyone was very happy and moved the supplies back and forth with great enthusiasm.

On the other side, after Xiao Qiang dealt with the zombies in the Black Wind Base, he loaded all the supplies onto the truck. After instructing Brother Ding to be careful on the way back with the supplies, he took the remaining truck and followed Lin Bingyan and Huang Mao with the remaining people to find Wang Peng and the others.

On the way, sitting in the car, Xiao Qiang listened to Huang Mao constantly bragging on the road, and he closed his eyes and rested, entered the system, and wanted to see his relevant information.

Huang Mao and Lin Bingyan saw this and just thought that Xiao Qiang was tired after fighting for such a long time, so they didn't bother him.

"Xiao Cong, wake up quickly and help me see what rewards you get after reaching level 8 of the strong man?" Xiao Qiang said to Xiao Cong.

"Host, Xiao Cong is not sleeping." Xiao Cong rolled his eyes and looked at Xiao Qiang and said.

"But I still have to congratulate the host. With the help of the system, it took more than four months to finally reach level 8 of the strong man." Xiao Cong said to Xiao Qiang with a slightly teasing tone.

"Okay, I know that I upgraded too slowly in the early stage, and I will work hard to upgrade in the future. Xiao Cong, help me see what rewards there are after upgrading to level 8 of the strong man?" Xiao Qiang said.

"Before providing rewards to the host, please allow this system to provide an explanation to the host. After reaching the 8th level of the strong, the host's strength has finally reached the entry stage, and it is regarded as entering the eyes of this system. However, if the host upgrades in the future, the experience points required will also be huge." Xiao Cong continued.

"Ah? The 8th level of the strong is just what you see? What is the difference between the 8th level of the strong?" Xiao Qiang continued to ask.

"Host, don't interrupt me casually. After upgrading to the 8th level of the strong, the host may also feel that the strength is much stronger than the 7th level. This is because after the host upgrades to the 8th level of the strong, the fourth of the eight gates on the body will be opened, and the strength value can reach the level of external release. The reason why the host reacted so strongly after using the broken palm this time is also because after the four gates are opened, the skills can use the strength to release. The host still uses the previous method, which will naturally cause the body to feel tired." Xiao Cong directly said a long paragraph to explain.

"Oh, so that's how it is. I was wondering why level 8 is more than 1 times stronger than level 7. It turns out that the fourth gate is opened. Then, how is the strength released? And what changes will the body experience after opening the eight gates?" Xiao Qiang heard Xiao Cong's words, and there was too much information for a while. He had questions but didn't know what to ask.

"In the past, after the host opened three gates, he would gradually recover his strength. After opening four gates, he can release these strengths. In this way, the host can use advanced skills with greater power. After opening four gates, the host will obtain a kind of skills." Xiao Cong continued to explain.

"Oh, that's great. Then help me see the rewards after my upgrade." Xiao Qiang continued.

"Okay, host, the host is upgraded to level 8 of the strong. The reward is to open the fourth gate of the eight gates - Table Lotus (advanced), 8,000 rifle bullets, 1,000 pistol bullets, 1,000 sniper bullets, and one advanced lottery." Xiao Cong said everything.

"10,000 bullets, that's 100,000 exchange points, you need to kill 50,000 low-level zombies to get it. Xiao Cong, you are finally generous." Xiao Qiang saw that he had 10,000 bullets all of a sudden, and he said to Xiao Cong happily.

"Host, don't be so ignorant. With your strength, it's only a matter of time to deal with 50,000 low-level zombies. If you think it's too much, this system can take it back." Xiao Cong rolled his eyes and said.

"Not too much, not too much, 100,000 bullets is better." Xiao Qiang laughed and said.

After speaking, Xiao Qiang entered the system again and read the introduction of Biao Lianhua.

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