Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 292: Rapid increase in strength (ask for bookshelf!)

Biao Lianhua - an advanced skill to increase one's strength and speed. First kick the opponent into the air, then hold the opponent, spin at high speed, and finally hit the ground. This skill has no effect on the current host. Very large, please use with caution.

Xiao Qiang remembered that when he read the comics, the Lotus Flower was a very powerful physical technique in the early stage. Unexpectedly, he could use this technique after opening the four gates, but the effect was unknown. .

Looking at another reward, the advanced lottery, Xiao Qiang seems to have won the advanced lottery for the first time in such a long time.

Immediately, he excitedly said to Xiao Cong: "Xiao Cong, use this advanced lottery."

"Okay." Xiao Cong agreed.

Then, I saw a golden turntable appearing in the system, with 6 items on it, namely Rejuvenation Pill (advanced), Night Helmet (advanced), Birds Facing the Phoenix (advanced), Super Seed (advanced), Kong, Mortar (Intermediate).

Looking at the items on the turntable panel, Xiao Qiangle couldn't close his mouth. As long as he could draw high-level items, any of these four items would be fine.

The pointer started to rotate rapidly, and finally slowly stopped at the item of Rejuvenation Pill (Advanced).

Xiao Qiang saw that the Rejuvenation Pill was placed in an exquisite glass bottle, with only a small brown pill inside. From the outside, there was nothing special about the pill.

Therefore, Xiao Qiang read the introduction of Rejuvenation Pill again. Rejuvenation Pill is a high-grade medicine. Taking one pill can restore the state of a dying person. At the same time, it can also make the patient recover from other diseases.

It's amazing. Doesn't this mean that as long as that person is still alive, he can be saved? This pill is truly a high-level potion.

Seeing the properties of the pills, Xiao Qiang was also delighted, and continued to say to Xiao Cong: "Xiao Cong, please check my properties for me and see how strong I have become after upgrading to Strong Level 8. "

Xiao Cong said: "Okay, Lord Host, this will start to show for Lord Host."

"Host: Xiao Qiang Physical fitness: 1300 (ordinary adult is 50) Physical strength: 1300 (ordinary adult is 50)

Possessed skills: Wolf Step (entry level: proficiency 87/100), Thunder Claw (entry level: proficiency 20/100) Assault (entry level: proficiency 23/100) Shattering Palm (entry level: proficiency 57 /100) Crazy Dragon Sword Technique (entry level: proficiency 1/100) Eight-door Dunjia - four doors open (Table Lianhua)

Mall permissions: Level 1 (can only buy some low-level weapons, medicines, food, etc.) Open lottery permissions Level 1 (224/500)

Comprehensive evaluation: Strong Level 8. Strength value: 7700/10000. Experience value: 7700/100000. Exchange points: 8300 points.

He has a Bone Spur Dagger, Thousand Chance Umbrella, Bounce Shoes, Mei Feng Dagger, Breeze Armor, Rejuvenation Pill, and Rapid Growth Potion. "

Seeing his attribute values, Xiao Qiang almost jumped for joy. He didn't expect that compared to the strong level 7, his attribute values ​​had increased so much.

Lin Bingyan and Huang Mao in the car thought that Xiao Qiang had closed his eyes and slept. Unexpectedly, Xiao Qiang was laughing with his mouth wide open, and the saliva in his mouth was about to flow out. , the two people watching were also stunned, thinking that Xiao Qiang was dreaming of something beautiful.

Here, after Xiao Qiang reached the 8th level of the strongman, his strength increased greatly, especially opening the four gates and obtaining the Lotus Flower, which also made Xiao Qiang very happy.

On the other side, under the command of Li Ke and Wang Peng, everyone was full of energy and soon moved all the food in the small warehouse to the truck. After careful inspection, they found that there were more than one truck of supplies. Coming out of the small courtyard of the grain station, Wang Peng looked at the time and said to Li Ke: "We have obtained so much grain, let's go back quickly. We will be able to reach the base by evening."

"There is still an empty truck. Why don't you think of a solution? Guarding two larger warehouses, the grain inside must not have been searched." Li Ke looked in the direction of the grain station with some reluctance. He spoke.

"I think we should not go. We have obtained so much food that it will be enough for the base to eat for a while. If we really want to go, we should go back to the base and discuss countermeasures with Brother Qiang and the others before going there. After all, the number of zombies here is huge. There are too many." Wang Peng advised with some worry.

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