Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 293: Two Strong Men Confronting Each Other (Ask for bookshelf!)

"What's there to discuss? The food is right here. Why don't we take a look? Besides, there's an empty truck." Li Ke said.

Wang Peng didn't know what was going on inside, but he felt that there were a lot of zombies, and he didn't know the strength of the zombies. Although Lin Fei said that there was a powerful breath inside, Wang Peng was still doubtful about Lin Fei's statement about the breath.

"But there are too many zombies. I'm afraid we can't defeat them. Moreover, if the food is placed here, and there are zombies taking care of it for us, it won't be taken away by others." Although Wang Peng was a little shaken, he still He spoke to persuade.

"I advise you not to go. That zombie is too powerful and cannot be dealt with by you." Lin Fei said to the two of them while looking in the direction of the grain station.

"Humph, why are the zombies so powerful? If you can't deal with these zombies, you can always go in and see what's going on inside." Li Ke said impatiently.

"Didn't you see that we made such a big noise here, and the zombies didn't rush over? This means there should be a zombie inside that can control these zombies." Lin Fei also said angrily.

"What kind of zombies are you controlling these zombies? Then instead of moving the goods inside, you have to check what's going on inside. If that doesn't work, check the grain depot near here. There are a few zombies inside." Although Li Ke was still dissatisfied with Lin Fei's words, he still noticed the strange situation here and said with some compromise.

"In this case, if you don't dare, Wang Peng, please take the people to transport all the goods on the truck first, and I will check it out myself. After the transformation, my movements become lighter, so I won't disturb these zombies." Li Ke added.

Lin Fei heard that Li Ke didn't listen to the advice and walked directly to the car with his two swords in his arms.

"I'll go check it out and come back." Li Ke said to Wang Peng.

After saying that, he saw that Li Ke had started the transformation. This time, his whole body turned into the form of a cat. His whole body was covered in hair and he lay on the ground, really like a big cat. Although he is lying on the ground, he runs very fast, and because there are fleshy pads under the cat's claws, Li Ke is also very quiet when he moves.

Wang Peng originally wanted to persuade him, but first he thought that Lin Fei might have thought too much, and secondly he thought that with Li Ke's skills, if he just went in to check, it wouldn't have much impact. Yes, so when he saw Li Ke rushing out, Wang Peng didn't do much to stop him.

Seeing Wang Peng rushing in from the back of the house, Wang Peng helplessly spread his hands and walked to Lin Fei's side.

"Brother Ke has this temper and is very competitive, but he is actually not a bad person. When he first entered the base, he had a conflict with Brother Qiang. Don't take it to heart." Wang Peng advised Lin Fei.

"It's not because he is competitive, but I can feel that there is a very powerful zombie in the grain station. I can only hope that Li Ke will just explore the zombie here and not disturb the zombie. Lin Fei stared at the direction of the grain station and said to Wang Peng with a serious face.

Seeing Lin Fei's serious expression, Wang Peng also began to think that there might really be a powerful zombie, but Li Ke had already rushed in. If he stopped him now, more zombies would definitely be disturbed, so he only hoped that Li Ke would But I just went to check it out and came back quickly.

"Then let's transport these trucks out quickly, and then come back to pick him up." Wang Peng said.

After speaking, Wang Peng urged everyone to get in the car and move outside.

After a while, three trucks and a car stopped in front of a three-story building. There was a street and a row of buildings between this street and the location of the grain station. If you walk directly through the building, it is not far from the grain station, but if you walk from the road, it is very far.

After stopping, Wang Peng selected 10 people to drive two trucks to transport the found materials back to the base. The rest of the people drove the remaining trucks and a car until Li Ke returned. Get out immediately.

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