Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 295 Biting off the Black Claw Gloves (Ask for the bookshelf!)

Seeing this, Li Ke slowed down his movements and dared not walk forward casually. When he opened the door curtain and was about to walk out, the zombie behind him suddenly turned his white eyeballs and stared directly in the direction of Li Ke. Li Ke was also shocked when he saw that look. He knew that he had been exposed. When he was about to speed up and run away, suddenly, the zombie was faster, and his whole body flew into the air and rushed towards Li Ke.

Li Ke jumped down and fell into the zombie group, avoiding the zombie's attack. Li Ke stretched out his claws and directly broke the necks of the two zombies beside him. Looking at the zombie just now, he saw that the zombie's teeth hit the wall, and the sharp and thick teeth directly bit off a large piece of the concrete wall.

Li Ke did not dare to stay in the zombie group for long. While fighting, he fled to the outside. With a "puff", Li Ke just killed a zombie, and the zombie rushed towards Li Ke again, with its whole body straight, its head facing forward, and its mouth wide open to bite Li Ke. Li Ke was surrounded by zombies, and the space for movement was not very large. In addition, he had to be wary of the harassment of those zombies. So when he saw the zombie biting again, Li Ke could only bump into the side and knock down those zombies.

After falling to the ground, Li Ke quickly got up, with four claws facing the ground, and his tail "puffed" twice, knocking the zombie behind him to the ground. Feeling some pain in his body, he looked back and saw that a large piece of his abdomen, including hair and skin, was torn off, and red blood had seeped out.

But at this moment, Li Ke had no time to care about the pain. He was deeply surrounded by zombies, and the zombie just now was obviously unbeatable. Whether it was speed or strength, it could definitely beat Li Ke. He stretched out the nails of his cat's claws and scratched the ground fiercely, leaving several small holes on the ground.

Just as he was about to escape, he saw that the zombie had actually run to the front of him, with white eyes and rolling eyes, staring at him. The open mouth was actually filled with Li Ke's hair. As a cat, Li Ke had some of the habits of cats, so he was very fond of the hair on his body. At this moment, seeing the hair bitten in the zombie's mouth, he was naturally furious, and killed a zombie close to his body with one claw.

Unexpectedly, before Li Ke could charge in, the zombie had already rushed over again. Li Ke had no way to avoid it, so he stretched out his right hand with a black claw glove and directly hit the zombie's open mouth. With a "bang", Li Ke was knocked back and fell into the zombie group. The zombie stood there with an object in his mouth, which was the black claw set. The hard black claw set that Xiao Qiang gave to Li Ke was actually bitten through and taken off from Li Ke's hand. The zombie opened his mouth and the black claw set fell to the ground with a "clang".

After one blow, Li Ke knew how powerful this zombie was and that he couldn't beat it at all. Of course, if Xiao Qiang was there, he would recognize that this was an ordinary level 4 zombie. With Li Ke's level 3 ability, it would be difficult to deal with it. But now that he was surrounded by zombies, Li Ke couldn't think too much. After standing up, Li Ke rushed directly into the zombie group. Wherever he went, he used his claws to kill these zombies. While killing, Li Ke actually wanted to hide in the zombie group and avoid the attack of the level 4 zombie. At the same time, Li Ke was also looking for a way out and wanted to leave here quickly.

However, when Li Ke was rushing around in the zombie group, the level 4 zombie actually flew directly towards Li Ke. He completely ignored the many zombies blocking Li Ke. With one blow, he knocked all the zombies away with great force. Not only that, the speed was also much faster. Before Li Ke could react, the zombie had already arrived in front of Li Ke. Li Ke did not dare to be careless. He knew that the zombie's teeth were powerful and did not dare to confront it head-on. He stretched out his claws and directly supported the zombie's chin, trying his best to prevent the zombie's sharp teeth from biting him.

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