Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 296 Lin Fei comes to help (ask for bookshelf!)

After the zombie's chin was broken, it stretched out its claws and hit Li Ke's chest fiercely. The powerful force directly pushed Li Ke out. Li Ke's body fell heavily and hit the flour bag.

"Puff", the powerful force made Li Ke spit out a mouthful of blood, and even the transformation was changed back to human form. Li Ke lay on the ground for a while before slowly getting up. Looking at his chest, there were 10 marks made by the zombie's claws. It was also thanks to the fact that his body was strong enough after the transformation just now, and the zombie's strength was teeth, not claws, so it did not cause fatal injuries to Li Ke. Even so, Li Ke was seriously injured by the zombie.

The zombies smelled the blood and seemed to become more excited, and they attacked Li Ke frantically one by one. Li Ke gritted his teeth, supported his chest and slowly stood up. The level 4 zombie in front of him was ready to attack Li Ke at any time. Li Ke was trapped in the siege. He couldn't beat the level 4 zombie alone, not to mention that there were so many low-level zombies attacking him. Li Ke was already a little desperate. He was ready to transform and launch this last attack, intending to fight with all these zombies.

"If you are fine, cheer up and rush out together. Wang Peng is still waiting for us." A clear voice sounded from the entrance.

This voice was very familiar. If he had heard it before, Li Ke might have felt very disgusted, but now that he was trapped in the siege, he was actually a little moved when he heard this voice.

Along with the voice, a figure flashed at the entrance. He was tall and strong, and looked very handsome. He chopped two zombies directly with two knives and rushed towards the level 4 zombie. The man holding two knives was Lin Fei who came to rescue. After Lin Fei came down from the roof, he did not dodge and killed all the way. On the road where Lin Fei came, a long line of zombies was left.

"These zombies can't hurt me. It's just the beginning." Li Ke saw Lin Fei coming and rekindled hope. Although he was not convinced, he still recognized Lin Fei's strength, especially when he saw Lin Fei rushing into the zombie group to rescue him. He had no objection to Lin Fei.

As he spoke, Li Ke gritted his teeth and endured the pain. With a "wow", he changed into a cat again. This time, Li Ke did not hold back and directly changed his whole body into a cat. He lay on the ground, just like a big cat.

Lin Fei held two knives in his hands and chopped at the level 4 zombie.

After reaching the level 7 of the strong man, Lin Fei's speed was also greatly enhanced. After slashing the zombie in front of him with one knife. He stepped hard on the zombie with his right foot, and leaped forward with the force. With a "swipe", he had already reached the front of the level 4 zombie.

He drew the Autumn Water Knife out of its scabbard, raised it above his head, and chopped it down on the head of the level 4 zombie. The level 4 zombie reacted very quickly, but unlike other zombies, he did not raise his claws to block. Instead, he raised his head high, opened his mouth wide, and bit the Autumn Water Knife.

With a "dang" sound, sparks flew everywhere. The zombie's mouth was very powerful, but the Autumn Water Knife itself was a sharp weapon, and Lin Fei's strength was great, so the Autumn Water Knife was not bitten off by the zombie. After the attack, Lin Fei also felt the zombie's powerful force. He missed the attack, and flipped directly to the opposite side of the zombie. After holding the two knives tightly, he cheered up and dealt with the zombie seriously.

After Li Ke transformed into a complete cat form, he rushed into the zombie group and started to kill the low-level zombies surrounding him. After knowing that he could not deal with the level 4 zombie, Li Ke made sure that Lin Fei would not be disturbed by other zombies.

"Dangdangdang" In a flash, Lin Fei and the level 4 zombie had already exchanged more than 50 moves. Lin Fei knew that if he fought with this zombie for too long, it would become more and more dangerous. Therefore, every move was fierce, and every move was aimed at the zombie's head. But the zombie was a level 4 zombie after all, so even though Lin Fei was sweating profusely, he still did not cause much damage to the zombie, but only cut a long bloody path on the zombie's arm.

"Walk outside while fighting." Lin Fei blocked the zombie's teeth with a knife, turned his head and said loudly to Li Ke.

"Okay, I'll go clear the road first." Li Ke killed a zombie with one claw, panting heavily, and answered Lin Fei.

After saying that, Li Ke ran towards the main entrance of the warehouse.

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