Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 297: Clearing up past grudges (ask for bookshelf!)

The whole person jumped up high and tore open the canvas curtain of the warehouse with one claw. Then he grabbed the heavy curtain and threw it directly towards the group of zombies behind. The thick curtain directly threw away the numerous zombies. Overwhelmed by zombies. In a short period of time, a path was cleared deep inside the warehouse leading to the main entrance.

"Lin Fei, come here quickly and run out." Li Ke stood on the beam and shouted at Lin Fei.

At this time, Li Ke's fur was already stained with blood, and his face was mixed with dust and sweat. In such a short period of time, even after fighting to such an extent, it can be seen how deadly the zombies in the warehouse were. dense.

However, Lin Fei was no less stressed than Li Ke when facing that level 4 zombie. Blocking the level 4 zombie with one knife, Lin Fei held the two knives in his backhand, turned around and ran outside.

Li Ke saw Lin Fei running towards this side, and jumped down from the beam as soon as his hand was released. Because there were fleshy pads between his paws, Li Ke didn't feel any pain, and his voice was very soft.

After jumping down, Li Ke didn't dare to stay. He dodged a zombie to the left, waved his claws, and stood at the main entrance to deal with the zombies rushing over.

After Lin Fei rushed in front of Li Ke, he turned around and used his two swords in a cross shape to block the level 4 zombies following him.

"You go first." Lin Fei always spoke so concisely and to the point, he turned around and said to Li Ke.

"Let's go together." Li Ke put his back close to Lin Fei's back, moved his paws forward, and said to Lin Fei.

"You go first, I can deal with this zombie and will be out soon." Lin Fei's veins popped out, he held the two knives tightly with his hands, turned his head and said anxiously to Li Ke.

Li Ke looked back at Lin Fei and said, "Thank you for coming to save me. I'll wait for you at the entrance of the grain station. I won't withdraw unless you come."

As he spoke, Li Ke raised his cat's claws directly towards the back. Lin Fei glanced back, freed up a hand, smiled slightly, and touched Li Ke's cat paw tightly.

In the past, Lin Fei, since the end of the world arrived and discovered that his body had changed, he determined to be the number one swordsman in the end of the world. But on the one hand, because of his personality, and on the other hand, he has experienced too many dangers in human nature in the apocalypse, so Lin Fei has always been fighting alone in the apocalypse. Until he met Xiao Qiang and arrived at Longshan Base, Lin Fei felt warmth and a sense of belonging for the first time in this apocalyptic world.

Although Li Ke had always been very mean to him and deliberately pushed against him, Lin Fei knew that Li Ke had no bad intentions, otherwise he would not have ventured to explore the grain station alone.

The two hands were held tightly together, and the barrier between the two had been eliminated.

Li Ke made a "scratch" sound and continued to crawl, passing through the zombies and arriving at the courtyard of the grain station.

When Lin Fei saw Li Ke rushing out, he used his Qiu Shui Knife to block the sharp teeth of the Level 4 zombies. At the same time, he jumped into the air and kicked several zombies that were approaching, knocking them down. land. Finally, with both feet, he kicked the level 4 zombie hard and pushed the level 4 zombie back a certain distance.

Then, Lin Fei was seen standing on the spot, with his hands crossed, the tip of the knife upward, and the blade facing forward.

This move is the "Double Sword Style" that Xiao Qiang gave to Lin Fei. It is currently Lin Fei's strongest move.

"Double Knife Style"

Lin Fei roared, clenched his two swords, his momentum suddenly changed, and he rushed directly towards the zombies. After the zombie was kicked away by Lin Fei, it also howled "Ouch". In the past few days, Lin Fei continued to hone his double sword style and became more refined than before.

A gust of knife wind blew by, and Lin Fei passed by the zombie. Lin Fei stood on the inside of the warehouse. A drop of blood fell on the ground, but it flowed down the autumn water knife. It was the zombie. of dirty blood.

The zombie stood at the door of the warehouse, making a very small "ouch" sound from its throat, and then its whole body fell directly to the ground, leaving an obvious wound on the zombie's chest and neck. Injured by Lin Fei's double sword.

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