Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 299: Escape (Ask for bookshelf!)

The two turned their heads and just ran a few steps, they heard a "clang" behind them, and the iron door was directly knocked open and fell to the ground. [ ] However, neither of them looked back. After hearing the sound, they ran faster.

At the exit of the building, Wang Peng saw the iron door being knocked open, and waved his hand, asking the people carrying rocket launchers to raise the rocket launchers and aim at the direction where the zombies rushed in from the iron door. Wang Peng also raised the crescent bow nervously, bent the bow and put the arrow, aiming at the zombies rushing over. After entering the apocalypse, Wang Peng had never faced so many zombies, and when he faced zombies before, Xiao Qiang was around to make the decision. Now he made decisions to deal with so many zombies, so he was inevitably a little nervous.

After Lin Fei and the others ran to the exit, they saw the actions of Wang Peng and others, and jumped over the heads of several people, rolled behind them on the ground, and looked at the opposite side. I saw that the zombies were crowded through the iron gate and ran towards this side frantically. Some zombies who fell to the ground were also trampled directly, and the dirty blood immediately flowed all over the ground. There were so many zombies that the street opposite was already crowded.

There were still some remaining zombies that could not squeeze through the iron gate, so they went directly along the road, went around to the road here, and rushed towards Wang Peng and his people.

With two "bangs", two rockets were fired directly at the position of the iron gate. The rockets exploded in the zombie group. The power of the explosion directly blew the limbs of the zombies at the entrance, and even blew up a corner of the wall of the building.

However, when the smoke and dust cleared, the zombies completely ignored the power of the bombs and ran towards this side with "wow wow".

"Hurry up and get in the car." Seeing this, Wang Peng put away the crescent bow and said to several people.

Soon, several people had all gotten on the truck, leaving only Lin Fei and Li Ke under the car. The two smiled at each other, jumped lightly, and jumped onto the truck.

Wang Peng walked to the front of the car, stretched out his hand, and patted the cab's skin vigorously, signaling the car to drive faster.

"Boom boom" the car moved quickly, and the zombie following behind jumped forward and grabbed the edge of the truck directly, and followed the truck as it moved. Lin Fei was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and he cut the zombie's hand with a knife. The zombie's hand was cut off, and the whole body fell directly to the ground, rolling several times, and rolled to the side of the aisle. However, there was soon behind, and the zombies kept chasing up and chasing the truck.

"Don't stop, go to the base at full speed." Wang Peng stood on the truck, patted the iron sheet of the cab vigorously, and shouted loudly to the driver.

There are too many zombies following the car now. If the car stops, it will be surrounded by zombies. At that time, let alone escape, it is hard to say whether it can escape the first round of zombie attacks.

With a "squeak", the driver stepped on the accelerator directly to the bottom, and a truck sped away instantly. The car was abandoned by Wang Peng and no longer used. The truck was fast enough to separate itself from the zombies chasing behind. However, since there were various debris or zombie corpses on the road from time to time, the people on the truck could also feel obvious bumps. Everyone held the handle tightly to stabilize their bodies.

"Everyone, shoot at the zombies next to you, don't let these zombies get close to the truck." Wang Peng bent his knees slightly, stood in the middle of the truck, and said to everyone.

Because Wang Peng was afraid that after the zombies got close to the truck, even if they were killed, the corpses of these zombies would easily roll under the car, which would easily cause danger to the car. Wang Peng is a careful person, so even though the zombies are still far away from the truck, Wang Peng warned everyone.

After Li Ke got on the truck, he stopped using his supernatural powers and transformed into a cat, squatting in a corner of the truck to recover his strength. Sweat kept falling from Li Ke's head, and Li Ke was also constantly panting. It can be seen that the battle in cat form just now consumed a lot of Li Ke's physical strength.

Lin Fei stood steadily behind the car. Because his leg strength was strong enough, even without holding the handle, Lin Fei stood more steadily than everyone else. He pulled out the steel knife in his hand and stared at the zombies behind him to prevent any zombies from rushing up.

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