Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 300: Escape in a hurry (ask for the bookshelf!)

The rest of the people heard Lin Fei's words and took out their machine guns. They resisted the urge to vomit due to the shaking of the truck and aimed their machine guns at the surrounding directions.

If the zombies were only chasing from behind, the truck would be at its fastest speed, and only a small number of fast zombies could follow the truck. Then everyone would be able to get rid of the zombies chasing them.

However, Wang Peng, who was standing at the front of the car, soon found something wrong. Gradually, Wang Peng found that not only a large number of zombies began to emerge from the shops on the side of the road, but also many rushed out from the front of the street.

"Shoot quickly, don't save bullets." Wang Peng stood at the front and began to command.

"Da Da Da" bullets kept shooting from the machine gun and hit the zombies next to them. However, more and more zombies rushed out, and the howling sound of "Ah Aaah" became louder and louder, and they kept attacking the truck frantically.

When the car was about to reach the corner of the street, Wang Peng found a group of zombies standing in front of him, blocking the road.

"Hold on to the car and turn quickly." Wang Peng reminded everyone, asking the driver to start the car and turn quickly.

Before the end of the world, the driver was a truck driver in the factory area. His driving skills were impeccable. Hearing Wang Peng's words, he made a sharp turn and passed through the road next to him to avoid the zombies blocking the road ahead. The car body was also swung directly and hit the zombies close to the truck. The huge force directly knocked the zombies out. Because the driver did not slow down at all and made a sharp turn, the tires of the car left a long black mark on the ground. Therefore, everyone in the car was instantly shaken to the ground, but fortunately, with Wang Peng's advance reminder, everyone was not thrown out of the truck.

After the car turned the corner, the zombies also followed into the road and followed the truck, chasing frantically.

With a "squeak", the car made another sharp turn and rushed directly onto the main road. The zombies following the truck were inertial and fell down. The zombies behind continued to step on the bodies of the zombies and followed the truck to chase the truck.

"Everyone squat down, be careful." Suddenly, Lin Fei, who was standing at the rear of the truck, shouted and reminded everyone.

Wang Peng looked in Lin Fei's direction with some doubts when he heard Lin Fei's words. Because he had to stand on the car to command, Wang Peng did not open his perception and did not know what happened.

As soon as Lin Fei finished speaking, he suddenly moved to the side of a person, and the steel knife in his hand blocked his chest with one move. Then, a figure moving at high speed bumped into Lin Fei, and with a "bang", Lin Fei was directly knocked off the car.

Just now, Lin Fei, who was standing behind the truck, stared closely at the zombies approaching from behind. Suddenly, a strong breath approached, but the breath was too fast. Lin Fei only had time to remind everyone, and then he relied on his quick reaction to block the person who was attacked.

With a "squeak", the driver saw this and stepped on the brakes directly. Under the force of inertia, the truck rushed forward for dozens of meters before stopping. The people in the car looked at the approaching zombies, and did not care about the sudden brakes and fell all over the car. They held the machine gun and fired at the zombies chasing behind. The sound of the machine gun "Da Da Da" sounded instantly, and the zombies in the front immediately fell down. However, soon the zombies behind rushed forward again. Moreover, everyone had few bullets left. Under such shooting, someone's bullets were used up from time to time, and the sound of gunfire became smaller and smaller.

Wang Peng looked towards Lin Fei in a hurry. Lin Fei was knocked off the truck. After landing, he took several steps back before he could stabilize himself. He spat out a mouthful of blood. Not only that, the fine steel knife blocking Lin Fei's chest also broke and fell to the ground.

Lin Fei slowly pulled out the Autumn Water Knife and moved his wrist. It is worth noting that blood had already seeped out of Lin Fei's tiger's mouth. Lin Fei held the Autumn Water Knife tightly and looked at the zombie in front of him with a serious and solemn expression. He no longer looked indifferent as usual. His eyes were fixed on the zombie in front of him.

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