Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 303: Encountering Level 5 Zombies Again (Ask for bookshelf!)

However, strangely enough, the zombies bypassed Xiao Qiang and others, leaving a gap next to them.

"Hurry up and get on the truck, I'll deal with this zombie." Xiao Qiang turned his head and said to Li Ke and Lin Fei behind him.

"Huh? Hasn't this zombie been killed yet?" Li Ke asked in confusion when he saw that the zombie's head was pressed into the ground and was frozen by a layer of ice.

As soon as the voice fell, the thick layer of ice that Lin Bingyan used her supernatural power to build began to crack slowly, and then the whole thing was completely shattered.

"Hurry up, Bingyan, go to the car with them and wait for me." Xiao Qiang turned his head and said to the people behind him.

Seeing this, Li Ke also directly supported Lin Fei, and the two of them protected Lin Bingyan in the middle and started to rush towards the truck. Although they couldn't deal with this powerful zombie, it was not difficult to break through the other zombies. Moreover, when the people on the truck saw the three approaching, they all shot at the zombies here, clearing a path for the three.

Because there were too many zombies, they didn't need to aim at all on the truck. They just needed to pull the trigger and shoot at the zombies. However, in just a few dozen minutes, nearly 5,000 bullets had been fired. Wang Peng and others pulled the three people onto the truck. Wang Peng waved his hand and, at Xiao Qiang's advance signal, he accelerated and ran towards the base.

Xiao Qiang didn't want to escape with the truck, but the zombie in front of him, with his white eyeballs spinning, staring at Xiao Qiang, and after getting up from the ground, he shook his head left and right, making a "creaking" sound. Xiao Qiang looked at the zombie and turned on the double-eye recognition function.

"Ding, ordinary level 5 zombies are found."

"It's actually a level 5 zombie, no wonder it looks familiar. This zombie is the one that led the zombie group to besiege Longshan Base." Xiao Qiang used his eyes to identify the level of the zombies and began to think in his heart.

"It seems that I really benefited from the sneak attack. I have to be alert. The system said that level 5 zombies seem to be intelligent, otherwise I can't lead so many zombies. I just don't know what kind of reward the system will give if I kill this zombie." Xiao Qiang continued to think.

Xiao Qiang thought about it and held the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand. He felt relieved when he saw the two trucks whizzing away. With a "squeak", the zombie took the lead in attacking Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang was not worried but happy. He rushed up with the Thousand Machine Umbrella as a walker zombie.

Before, after Xiao Qiang was promoted to the level 8 strongman, he had always been facing some low-level zombies, and the best was only the level 4 zombie that could match the strength of the level 8 strongman. However, Xiao Qiang knew that he had so many treasures and various skills on him, and his strength was no longer comparable to that of a strong man of level 8. Therefore, Xiao Qiang had always wanted to test his true strength. Now that he encountered a level 5 zombie, he could finally test his strength.

With a "dang" sound, the zombie's claws collided with the Thousand Machine Umbrella.

"No wonder Lin Fei was knocked down in one go. This power is really great." Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly, feeling the thrust from the zombies on it, and couldn't help sighing.

However, Xiao Qiang also stood firm, the muscles of his arms bulged high, exerted force, and pushed hard towards the zombies. The strength of the two was actually deadlocked, and they were deadlocked in place.

However, soon, the zombie let go and attacked Xiao Qiang from the side. Xiao Qiang had honed his fighting skills and greatly improved his fighting awareness during the fight with the level 4 zombies at the Black Wind Base. Seeing the zombie's claws coming at him, Xiao Qiang gently turned sideways to avoid the attack. The zombie was very fast, and after failing to hit him, it continued to swing its claws at Xiao Qiang and launched an attack.

Xiao Qiang stared closely at the zombie's movements, trying to find the zombie's flaws, but the zombie's claws were too fast, and there was no time to attack the possible flaws. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang put the Thousand Machine Umbrella back into the system and directly used his skills.

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