Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 304 Commanding Zombies (Ask for bookshelf!)

"Thunder Claw"

"Ding, the host uses the Thunder Claw, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 2/100.

Since zombies use sharp claws to attack, let's use thunder claws to compete to see who has stronger claws and whose claws are faster.

This is the second time Xiao Qiang uses the Thunder Claw. The last time he used it was when he killed Lu Bai. Unlike Shattering Palm, Thunder Claw is a one-time, powerful technique. The Thunder Claw is more like a continuous skill. Once used, the power is concentrated on the palm of the hand, making the claw move faster, and it contains several times the normal power.

"Dang, dang, dang," both of them were very fast. In the blink of an eye, they had already exchanged hundreds of moves. Moreover, as the two of them fought, the fighting place had also moved to the center of the road. Due to the fight of the two, many of the zombies that could not escape were directly torn apart after being affected, which was enough. It can be seen how powerful the confrontation between the two is. Those zombies were still like that. Where the zombie arrived, there was a very big gap in the middle.

However, Xiao Qiang soon discovered something that zombies could take advantage of. Although this zombie has some intelligence, it is not as smart as people when fighting. Most of them still rely on instinctive power and speed to fight with it. Thinking of this, after Xiao Qiang collided with the zombie, he moved directly to the spot, and the zombie pounced towards Xiao Qiang's head with a claw.

At this time, Xiao Qiang was half lying on the ground. If the zombie wanted to attack, it would have to bend down and attack Xiao Qiang with its butt sticking out like a bow and arrow.

When Xiao Qiang saw this, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and he watched the zombie's claws getting closer and closer, but he didn't panic at all.


"Ding, the host uses raid, proficiency +1, current proficiency"

Xiao Qiang just waits until the zombie bends to the maximum extent, and at the same time extends the palm to the maximum extent, then selects the attack skill and suddenly reaches behind the zombie. In this way, even if the zombie's reaction speed is fast enough, he can save more time for his surprise attack, so that he can launch an attack on the zombie.

Xiao Qiang, who was lying on the ground, suddenly disappeared, but appeared behind the level 5 zombie. As soon as he stood still, the Thunder Claw grabbed the zombie's back with the force of thunder. Xiao Qiang's decision was right. Although the zombie reacted quickly enough, the sharp claw in its hand turned around to block Xiao Qiang's thunder claw. However, because he was bent over and his claws were already stretched out, when Xiao Qiang's claws reached the zombie's back, the zombie's claws had not yet blocked Xiao Qiang's thunder claws.

However, the zombie's thunder claws gripped the zombie's back as if they were gripping a steel plate. No, according to Xiao Qiang's strength, even if he grabs on the steel plate, he can still penetrate the steel plate. But hitting the zombie only scratched the outer skin of the zombie's body, but could not penetrate the zombie's body.

Xiao Qiang didn't expect the zombie's body to be so hard. Without giving Xiao Qiang more time to think, the zombie slowly stood up, swung its sharp claws from front to back, and swung it towards Xiao Qiang's head. come over. With a slight jump, he dodged the zombie's sharp claws. At the same time, he was in the air and kicked the zombie's butt. The zombie was already half-rising, but was kicked by Xiao Qiang. He kicked, staggered forward twice, and almost fell to the ground.

The level 5 zombie turned its head, its expression became more ferocious, and it howled "Ouch" from its mouth, as if it was angered by Xiao Qiang's kick. Think about it, this level 5 zombie was originally the leader of these low-level zombies, but in front of so many zombies, Xiao Qiang kicked him in the butt and made him lose face. How could he not be angry?

Not only did the zombie start to yell at Xiao Qiang like crazy, he stretched his arms forward and pointed his sharp claws directly at Xiao Qiang. Some of the zombies chasing the truck around him turned around. Xiao Qiang ran towards Xiao Qiang, holding up his sharp claws and howling "ouch", as if he was acting in front of a level 5 zombie, and he had already started to attack.

When Xiao Qiang saw this, he was also surprised: "Isn't it just a kick in your ass? Why do you want to mobilize an army like this?"

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