Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 305: A Happy Fight (Ask for bookshelf!)

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang turned around and ran towards the shopping mall. If he was surrounded by so many zombies, it would not be a joke. Even if he was strong, falling into this zombie group would be enough to make him suffer.

However, there were many zombies in front of him and surrounded Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang realized that he was already surrounded by the zombie group. In fact, Xiao Qiang had been fighting in the zombie group just now, but the level 5 zombie just now did not command these low-level zombies to attack Xiao Qiang, so Xiao Qiang did not feel so much pressure.

Therefore, the strength of the level 5 zombies, in addition to their own strong strength, is that after having a certain intelligence, they can command the zombies under their command. Now, Xiao Qiang knows what it means to be afraid of touching the tiger's butt. If he had known earlier, he would not have kicked the level 5 zombie just now.

Looking around, Xiao Qiang wanted to find a way to escape, but there were zombies everywhere, blocking the entire road. Xiao Qiang had no choice but to choose to climb over the roof of the commercial building, because there were too many zombies crowded on the road, and it was unlikely to rush through. If he went over the roof, most of these zombies would not climb, and relying on his jumping shoes and the Thousand Machine Umbrella, it would be a good escape route.

With this thought, Xiao Qiang directly took out the Thousand Machine Umbrella from the system, touched the button, and turned the Thousand Machine Umbrella into a knife form.

"Crazy Dragon Sword Technique"

"Ding, the host uses the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 2/100"

Xiao Qiang did not hesitate at all, facing so many zombies, he used his own skills. In an instant, the zombies in the circle centered on Xiao Qiang fell to the ground one after another. Xiao Qiang fought while running towards the direction of the commercial building. Since the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique is very powerful and emphasizes momentum, it is perfect for dealing with zombies.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2"

. . . . . .

Soon, after Xiao Qiang used the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique, a bloody storm immediately set off among the zombies. Many corpses of zombies fell down along the way, but soon more zombies surrounded them. However, Xiao Qiang had already reached the bottom of the building of the commercial building.

He used all his strength to push down hard, and with the help of the bouncing shoes, he jumped up more than 10 meters high. In the air, he pushed the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand against the wall, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella was embedded in the wall of the commercial building. Xiao Qiang was about to use the force to jump onto the balcony, when he suddenly felt an object coming up from downstairs and shooting at him.

Xiao Qiang did not dare to be careless. He held the Thousand Chance Umbrella with both hands, and directly hit it in the air. He turned over and jumped onto the balcony, and pulled out the Thousand Chance Umbrella at once. With a "bang", the object suddenly hit nothing, and its body directly hit the wall outside the commercial building, and its claws directly reached into the wall. Xiao Qiang recognized that this zombie was the level 5 zombie.

After seeing the zombie clearly, Xiao Qiang stood on the balcony and jumped again. This time, he jumped onto the roof of the commercial building. Just as he was about to jump off the roof of the commercial building from the other side with the help of the Thousand Chance Umbrella to escape. With a "bang", the zombie also jumped onto the roof and quickly attacked Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang cheered up, holding the Thousand Chance Umbrella (in knife form), he fought with the level 5 zombie.

Without the harassment of those low-level zombies, Xiao Qiang fought happily, trying his best to deal with this zombie. Although he was sweating profusely, Xiao Qiang still fought very smoothly.

At this time, the sky had gradually darkened, and the howling of the zombies downstairs continued to reach his ears. Xiao Qiang also had many small wounds on his body, but he was not seriously injured. The zombie naturally had many scars on his body, but his body was too hard, so it was not a big deal.

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