Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 306 The Fourth Gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia - Open (Ask for the bookshelf!)

The most conspicuous thing was the scar on the zombie's arm, which was opened by Xiao Qiang's Thousand Machine Umbrella.

"It's great!" Xiao Qiang said after fighting with the zombies for a while, and then he was separated from the zombies.

"But I can't play with you anymore, I have to go find them quickly." Xiao Qiang looked at the zombies, as if he was talking to the zombie, but he knew that the zombie couldn't understand him, so he was talking to himself.

"Eight Gates of Dunjia - Four Gates - Open!"

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang's tattered clothes were bulging, the muscles on his chest bulged high, and his eyes released a bright light, and his momentum suddenly increased a lot. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the commercial building was surrounded by zombies. Standing on the roof, Xiao Qiang faced thousands of zombies alone, fearless, and stood in front of the level 5 zombie like a god of war.

Xiao Qiang moved, and instantly disappeared from the spot. Originally, Xiao Qiang could restore his strength after opening three doors, but now the four doors were more like an active switch. After Xiao Qiang opened the fourth door, his speed was several times faster.

The zombie's white eyes were spinning, as if looking for Xiao Qiang who suddenly disappeared from the spot. Suddenly, the zombie felt a gust of wind behind him, and just raised his claws to block.

With a "bang", Xiao Qiang, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, stood majestically behind the zombie, and directly hit the zombie's shoulder into a dent, and the whole body tilted and fell to the ground. The white eyeballs turned upwards, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella (spear form) in Xiao Qiang's hand was about to be inserted into the zombie's forehead from top to bottom.

The zombie slapped the ground with both claws, and the concrete floor was directly cracked by the zombie, revealing the steel bars inside, and stones kept falling downstairs. The zombie also took advantage of the force and flew into the air and stood up.

Unexpectedly, just as the zombie stood up, Xiao Qiang moved again, disappeared from the zombie's sight, and appeared behind the zombie again. This time, the Thousand Machine Umbrella turned into a knife, and chopped the zombie's head with one knife. The zombie's body was hit by Xiao Qiang's stick, one shoulder high and one shoulder low. However, the reaction speed was still as sensitive as ever. The body tilted to the left, and the head barely avoided Xiao Qiang's Thousand Machine Umbrella. However, the arm was in trouble. Even though the zombie's body was hard enough, it was still cut off by a knife in front of the Thousand Machine Umbrella made of black gold.

The cut-off arm seemed to anger the zombie even more. It turned around and raised the remaining claw, and rushed towards Xiao Qiang. This time, Xiao Qiang did not use his speed advantage to deal with the zombie. Instead, he raised his Thousand Machine Umbrella horizontally, relying on the power after opening the four doors to fight against it.

With a "dang" sound, Xiao Qiang blocked the zombie's claws. At the same time, he flew into the air, crossed his legs, and clamped them on the zombie's head. The muscles of his legs exerted force, and his body was in a spiral shape. With a strong swing, the zombie fell to the ground again.

Xiao Qiang landed on the ground and stood firm. Without stopping, he ran two steps and jumped into the air. He used all his strength to raise the Thousand Machine Umbrella (in the form of a knife) and chopped down at the zombie's neck from top to bottom. The zombie raised his one-armed claw to block the neck. With a "puff", relying on the sharpness of the Thousand Machine Umbrella, the zombie's claws and head were directly cut off by a knife. Moreover, not only that, even the ground on the roof was cut out by Xiao Qiang's knife, which was enough to show how strong Xiao Qiang's attack was.

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