Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 307 Mutant Training Room (Ask for bookshelf!)

"Ding, if the host kills an ordinary level 5 zombie, the host will be rewarded with 10,000 experience points, 10,000 exchange points, a mutant training room (advanced), a scientific research laboratory (advanced), 5 times the violent pill (intermediate), and fast-growing vegetable seeds ( Intermediate). The system prompts.

"It seems that this system encourages me to kill beyond the level. Killing a zombie of the same level as myself will only reward 500 experience points. I didn't expect that after killing a zombie of a higher level than myself, I would get 10,000 experience points." It’s worth it.” Xiao Qiang thought to himself when he heard the system’s beep.

In fact, Xiao Qiang didn't know that it was very difficult for ordinary people to kill zombies even at the same level, let alone kill them at a higher level. However, Xiao Qiang had taken advantage of the system and not only had numerous weapons at his side, but also There are many techniques. Lin Fei, for example, could kill ordinary level 4 zombies just by acquiring an intermediate skill from Xiao Qiang, let alone Xiao Qiang. Therefore, the system's arrangement was based on Xiao Qiang's situation.

However, Xiao Qiang did not have much time to check the remaining item rewards at the moment. After killing this level 5 zombie, Xiao Qiang could feel that the zombies below were no longer under control. Since Xiao Qiang could not see Stand in the middle of the roof. Xiao Qiang could clearly feel that the zombies became less frenzied in besieging the place, their howling began to become smaller, and they began to disperse in all directions.

Holding the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella, Xiao Qiang walked to the edge of the roof and took a look at the zombies downstairs. Although they had begun to wander nearby, there were still many zombies under the commercial building because there were too many zombies around here before. of zombies. With a slight leap, Xiao Qiang jumped from the roof of the commercial building. In mid-air, Xiao Qiang gently touched the button on the handshake part of the Thousand Chance Umbrella. The Thousand Chance Umbrella turned into an umbrella, like a parachute. Carrying Xiao Qiang, it floated downstairs to the commercial building.

It is worth mentioning that there are several different buttons at the handshake position of the Thousand Chance Umbrella. When Xiao Qiang touches different buttons, it will change into different forms. This is also the change of the Thousand Chance Umbrella after the system integrates different forms. out button.

Xiao Qiang could feel his body a little tired while he was in the air. It seemed that opening the fourth door was also a great test for his body. However, this kind of fatigue is not the kind of fatigue that appears after using the wrong Shattering Palm Technique, it is just that the body feels very tired.

Before the person fell to the ground, zombies were already surrounding him. They raised their heads and opened their mouths, howling uncontrollably at Xiao Qiang who was in the air. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang touched the button lightly, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand turned into a knife form. Xiao Qiang's body fell quickly, and he slashed at the zombies near his landing point.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2"

. . . . . .

Although Xiao Qiang was a little tired, he still had no difficulty in dealing with these low-level zombies. After landing, looking at the streets full of zombies around him, this was all experience for Xiao Qiang. However, although Xiao Qiang wanted to kill a lot of people and accumulate more experience through these zombies. However, Xiao Qiang was still worried about Lin Bingyan and the others' safety, so he held back.

Following the direction back to the base, Xiao Qiang rushed all the way, holding the Thousand Chance Umbrella (sword form) in his hand. Among the zombies, he was like a tiger entering the flock of sheep. Even after these zombies were alerted, they all attacked Xiao Qiang crazily. They were surrounded, but Xiao Qiang still moved at high speed, and from time to time he would use his bouncing shoes to jump more than 10 meters high, leaping over the zombies. At the same time, the beeps for killing zombies also kept ringing, and Xiao Qiang's experience was steadily increasing.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2"

. . . . . .

Soon, after Xiao Qiang chopped down a zombie with one blow, he rushed out of the zombie siege. Looking back, I saw that the road was still full of zombies. Xiao Qiang turned his head and opened up his speed. With his level 8 speed, he quickly shook off these zombies.

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