Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 308 Return to base (ask for bookshelf!)

After turning a corner, Xiao Qiang walked to the expressway leading to the base. He found a car on the roadside and drove it to chase after them. Xiao Qiang had also learned basic driving skills and ran wildly all the way without any obstacles. Xiao Qiang caught up with the two trucks driven by Lin Bingyan and others halfway.

After Xiao Qiang got in the car, he made sure that no one was seriously injured, including Lin Fei. Because Xiao Qiang arrived in time, he was not seriously injured. He just needed to rest for a few more days. In the car, Xiao Qiang already felt that the base would inevitably go out to find supplies and fight zombies, so injuries were inevitable. After all, Li Wei and others were not very professional. It seemed that the base needed to find some doctors.

Soon, everyone drove the truck back to the base.

When entering the base, the first thing you see is the empty parking lot, where everyone is busy moving supplies into the warehouse. Seeing Xiao Qiang and others driving two trucks over, someone immediately rushed over.

Xiao Qiang jumped off the car and said to the people on the truck: "Everyone has worked hard today. Hurry up and pack up. Those who are injured should go to Li Wei for bandages. Those who are not injured should go to eat and rest."

"Brother Ke, follow Lin Fei to find Li Wei for a simple bandage." Xiao Qiang turned his head again and said to Li Ke and the others.

Xiao Qiang had just finished speaking when he saw Wang Liang coming over with Brother Ding.

Wang Liang frowned and walked to Xiao Qiang's side. He said with an unhappy face: "Brother Qiang, you are back. It's all my fault. I gave the wrong command and sent Liu Jie out."

"Huh? What's the situation? Xiao Jie was sent out? What happened to him?" Xiao Qiang hadn't asked yet. Liu Jie escaped from the village with Li Ke. They had a deep relationship. He nervously grabbed Wang Liang's shoulders and asked while shaking.

"Brother Ke, calm down and find out what's going on first." Although Xiao Qiang was a little nervous, he still forced himself to calm down, patted Li Ke on the shoulder, and said.

Wang Liang lowered his head a little embarrassedly and said to Xiao Qiang: "Xiao Jie is injured and is still in a coma."

"Injured? Was he bitten by a zombie? Or was it someone else? Where is Xiao Jie now?" Xiao Qiang was panicked when he heard that Liu Jie was injured, and asked urgently.

"I've seen it. It's not a zombie bite. It should be that he has a disease himself, and he forced to use powerful superpowers, so he fell into a coma. Looking at Liu Jie's health, it's not very optimistic." Brother Ding stood up and added.

"Where is he? Take me over to see." Xiao Qiang said.

After Liu Jie was brought back from Sanyuan Village, he was placed in a room in the villa. When he went to the front of the villa, Wang Liang also briefly told Xiao Qiang what happened.

After arriving at the villa, under the bright lights, several people were sitting on the sofa in the living room, all of them looked sad. Li Dian, Wang Lei, Hu San and Zhang Jin were all there, talking in low voices.

"Brother Qiang!"

"Xiao Qiang, you're back."

Seeing Xiao Qiang running into the villa, they all stood up and greeted Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang nodded and saw Li Chong squatting in the corner with his hands on his knees.

Li Chong also saw Xiao Qiang and others, and tears suddenly flowed out. He lowered his head, walked to Xiao Qiang's side, and said, "Brother Qiang, it's all my fault. It's all because I was too arrogant that I hurt little Liu Jie."

Xiao Qiang ignored Li Chong and walked straight to the bedroom where Liu Jie was.

Entering the bedroom, Xiao Qiang saw Li Wei, Yang Xue and others.

Xiaoguang was standing by the side, holding Xiao Shutong. When Xiao Shutong saw Xiao Qiang coming in, tears flashed in his eyes and he walked towards Xiao Qiang, saying to him, "Woo, uncle, you are finally back. Brother Liu Jie is injured. Please save him quickly."

Xiao Qiang looked at Xiao Shutong, reached out his hand, touched Xiao Shutong's head, and walked to the bed.

Looking at Liu Jie lying on the bed, his face was pale, his lips were purple, and his face was almost bloodless. He reached out his hand and probed Liu Jie's nose. He found that there was still some weak breath. Xiao Qiang exhaled a long breath.

Xiao Qiang remembered that when he was promoted to the 8th level of the strong, the system's reward included a lottery. Through that lottery, Xiao Qiang won a bottle of rejuvenation pills. The system said that as long as there is still a breath, it can be healed. I don't know if it works in Liu Jie's case.

Take out the rejuvenation pill from his arms.

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