Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 309 Taking the Rejuvenation Pill (Ask for the bookshelf!)

Xiao Qiang handed it to Lin Bingyan and said, "Bingyan, add water and give this pill to Liu Jie.

Lin Bingyan had long been accustomed to Xiao Qiang's ability to conjure up all kinds of items, but facing Liu Jie's current physical condition, she was still a little skeptical, but she didn't say anything and went to the kitchen to get water.

"You guys come out first and check on Liu Jie's condition later." Xiao Qiang spoke to everyone in the room again.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone came out of the bedroom and gathered in the hall.

Xiao Qiang sat on the sofa in the living room, while the others all stood aside, and no one sat down.

Looking at this situation, Xiao Qiang didn't say anything. Sometimes as a leader, he still has to maintain a certain dignity.

"Brother Qiang, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have sent Xiao Jie out." Wang Liang came over and said to Xiao Qiang.

"No, Brother Qiang, it's all my fault. I was too arrogant and that caused Xiao Jie to get injured. "Li Chong was still crying and spoke.

Xiao Qiang looked up at the two people without saying anything. Xiao Qiang didn't say anything, and no one else said anything. Although there were a lot of people standing in the living room of the villa, it seemed particularly quiet. Xiao Qiang just looked at the two people quietly without saying anything. Everyone in the living room just looked at Xiao Qiang like that, and no one knew what he was thinking about.

The sound of the door opening with a "creak" broke the silence, and Lin Bingyan poked her head out of the house.

"Xiao Jie woke up, your medicine is really powerful." Lin Bingyan said.

"Huh", hearing Lin Bingyan's words, it can be clearly felt that everyone in the room was relieved, and the depressing atmosphere was obviously greatly relieved.

"Really? That's great." Li Ke said happily.

"Yeah, you go and see how Liu Jie is doing. "Xiao Qiang turned his head and said to Yang Xue and others.

After agreeing, Yang Xue took Xiao Shutong into the bedroom.

"Okay, since we are a base, we must have rewards and punishments. You two, Xiao Chong, since you have realized your problem. Tomorrow, I will place a practice room in the base, and punish Xiao Chong that you are not allowed to leave the base before you upgrade to the strong level 5. Stay in the base and be responsible for patrolling and guarding. "Xiao Qiang said.

"Okay, okay, Brother Qiang. "With Li Chong's personality, he is naturally unwilling to stay in the base. Xiao Qiang's punishment measure can be said to be exactly what Li Chong is unwilling to do, but now that he has made a mistake, Li Chong dare not say anything more.

"Also, remember, Li Chong, I don't always have this kind of medicine. This time is just an accident. Next time if you make a mistake again due to your impulse, it may not be possible for someone to pay for you. "If the punishment just now only made Li Chong feel uncomfortable, then these words now can really touch Li Chong's heart and make him reflect deeply.

"Yeah yeah. "Li Chong nodded and stepped aside.

"As for Brother Liang, if you are wrong, then my arrangement is also wrong. I did not arrange the mobile personnel to deal with those emergencies. Then I will punish you. Within three days, you must formulate a set of detailed rules and regulations for the base. "Xiao Qiang said.

"Yes." Wang Liang nodded and stepped aside.

After speaking to the two, Xiao Qiang stopped talking. The whole villa fell into silence again. Xiao Qiang glanced at Li Ke. He was waiting for Li Ke to speak. Waiting for Li Ke to speak.

"Brother Qiang, I am also wrong. I acted too impulsively and competed with Lin Fei. If you hadn't arrived in time, I would have almost led everyone into the siege of zombies. "Li Ke said.

"Yes, then I will punish you like Li Chong. Before entering the 5th level of superpowers, you are not allowed to leave the base. Both are patrol personnel of the base. Also, remember that I can't arrive so timely every time. "Xiao Qiang was very satisfied that Li Ke stood up and admitted his mistake, and said.

"Everyone must learn from them. Our base has just started. As the leaders of the base, you will definitely work extra hard, but please remember that this is the end of the world. Every decision you make may affect the safety of the base personnel, so you must work harder. Also, since we are in the same base, everyone must unite, don't be competitive, and don't be too ambitious. Please believe that the base will remember your contributions. "Xiao Qiang stood up, looked around, and spoke to everyone.

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