Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 313 Level 3 Zombie Dog (ask for bookshelf!)

"Alas, it seems that I have just arrived in this city and I have received a great gift. This zombie dog is much stronger than ordinary zombies of the same level, but I don't know what level this zombie dog is." Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang opened the car door and got out of the car.

Pulling out the bone spur dagger, Xiao Qiang waved the dagger continuously, and had already dealt with two or three zombies that rushed over. Opening his eyes to identify, he looked at the zombie dog.

"Ding, found an ordinary level 3 zombie beast."

With a "puff", the zombie dog had already rushed towards Xiao Qiang, at a very fast speed, much faster than ordinary zombies.

However, it seemed much slower in front of Xiao Qiang. With a raise of the bone spur dagger in his hand, he accurately reached into the zombie's mouth, blocking the zombie's sharp teeth, and then, with a strong swing, he threw the zombie dog to the ground.

Xiao Qiang looked at the zombie dog on the ground, kicked it out with a flying kick, and the zombie dog's body hit the house next to it heavily. The zombie's body just fell, Xiao Qiang had already reached the zombie dog, but he had already changed his hand to the Thousand Machine Umbrella (spear form), and stabbed the zombie dog with force, and the zombie dog stopped moving.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 3 zombie beast, experience value +700, exchange point +700"

It seems that the experience value and exchange point of this zombie beast are much higher than ordinary zombies of the same level.

Putting away the Thousand Machine Umbrella, Xiao Qiang drove the car and continued to move forward. When he reached the corner, Xiao Qiang heard the sound of fighting from a distance. After parking the car on the side of the road, Xiao Qiang jumped lightly and jumped onto the roof of a three-story building next to him.

Looking at another road, I saw 7 people besieging a zombie. It seems that they have encountered a hunting team.

This time, Xiao Qiang would not help no matter what, as the lesson from the last time was still fresh in his mind.

The one surrounded was a level 4 zombie, with a broad and tall body. He was seriously injured, with two bullets in his legs and one arm with traces of being cut by a knife.

The remaining 7 people were 5 men and 2 women. The two girls were both level 4 strong men. As for the 5 boys, there was one level 6 superpower, two level 5 strong men, and two were just ordinary people with strong bodies.

The 5 people had clear division of labor, and all kinds of weapons were well prepared. The one with level 6 superpower was not their leader, but used earth-related superpowers, which looked very strong.

"Hurry up and lay the mines. After a while, attract the zombies to the mines. Lao Fei will use "earth binding" to tie the zombies tightly. Then everyone will work together to kill the zombie. Hurry up. It will be no fun if we alarm the two monsters in the city." One of the male strong 5th level players, holding a long knife made of black gold, seemed to be the leader of this team, and spoke to everyone.

"Okay, after killing this zombie and taking out the black gold, we will go to the Lujiang base, where we can exchange a lot of food." One of them said.

"Brother Wei, since the people from M company came, although they brought a lot of good potions, the deduction of our black gold is getting more and more serious." One of the girls said dissatisfiedly.

"I heard that the three bases in Xuzhou City will hold a meeting tomorrow. There will definitely be good things on the market by then. The black gold we have saved for so long will definitely be able to exchange for a lot of things."

"Three bases? Didn't you hear from Lao Zhang and his hunting team that the Xujiang base seemed to have been raided? Now there are only two bases left."

Xiao Qiang looked over and saw that the two ordinary people were carrying machine guns and laying mines in a house far away. The others were temporarily surrounding the zombies. It seemed that the psychic was an earth-type psychic user.

Soon, Xiao Qiang looked for a while and felt that the strength of this team was still very strong. He heard a lot of information. Who were the two monsters in the city? And what happened to the raid on the Xujiang base.

Xiao Qiang was about to go down from the roof and continue on his way. But with a "bang", the zombie triggered the explosion of the landmine. Although it was injured, the zombie's strength was far beyond their expectations. The earth binding only controlled the zombie for a while, and the zombie broke free and rushed towards one of the girls.

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