Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 314 Encountering the Hunter Squad (Ask for the bookshelf!)

In panic, the others had no time to help, and the zombie's claws were about to grab the girl's head. Xiao Qiang sighed and used his skills.

"Ding, the host uses the surprise attack skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency level 24/100."

The few people only heard a "bang", and after the smoke cleared, they saw a young man squatting on the ground, with his palms out, directly pressing the zombie's head to the ground. The zombie that was barely injured by the siege of 7 people was actually pressed to the ground by the young man and killed. Although the girl behind him was still in shock, she was unharmed. The boy was Xiao Qiang.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 4 zombie, experience value +500, exchange points +500, reward 3 times violent pills (intermediate)."

Xiao Qiang stood up and looked at the few people rushing towards him.

"Thank you for your help, brother. My name is Pan Wei. Since you killed this zombie, the black gold belongs to you. You saved Miaomiao, and we have some black gold on us, so we can give you some." The Level 5 strong man said.

"Hello, my name is Lin Miaomiao, thank you for saving me." The girl, wearing a white sportswear, was full of energy and smiled at Xiao Qiang.

"You're welcome. My name is Xiao Qiang. I really just helped you. I don't want these black golds." Xiao Qiang waved his hand and took the lead in expressing his attitude, learning from the last lesson to avoid another conflict.

"However, I really want to know, what are the two monsters you are talking about? And what happened to the Xujiang base being attacked?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Oh, well, brother, sit here, I'll tell you slowly." The man named Pan Wei pointed to a shady place and said to Xiao Qiang.

"You guys, hurry up and take out the black gold." Pan Wei said to the few people.

As he spoke, the man followed Xiao Qiang to the door of a shopping mall and sat on the steps. The person called Lin Miaomiao also came over and sat next to Pan Wei, blinking her big eyes at Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang then noticed Lin Miaomiao. Although she was not particularly beautiful, she revealed a sense of cleverness and the youthful vitality of a girl. The strength of a strong man at level 4 should be an ordinary double whip.

"Let's talk about the two monsters first. A few months after the end of the world, a man and a woman suddenly appeared in the city. They had powerful superpowers and killed not only zombies but also people. Not only that, they also attacked the base. The base sent strong men to encircle and suppress them many times, but the two were very strong and ordinary strong men could not beat them at all. Fortunately, the two usually move around in the city center, so as long as you are careful around here, you won't alarm them." Pan Wei took out a cigarette and motioned Xiao Qiang to smoke one. Xiao Qiang waved his hand, and Pan Wei smoked and spoke.

"Oh. What's going on with the Xujiang base?" Xiao Qiang continued to ask.

"After the zombie outbreak, Xuzhou City fell into chaos. Later, the military built three bases to accommodate the survivors in Xuzhou City. However, due to the end of the world, the zombies often attacked the bases, and the military organization was completely disrupted. Now these bases are controlled by some strong people. Xujiang Base is the weakest. Of course, because there is no market there, I have never been there. I just heard that those who did not obey M Company were killed by the people of M Company in Lujiang Base. This step will start the talks tomorrow. If you are interested, you can go to Lujiang Base to take a look. There will be a lot of good things for sale there." Pan Wei said in one breath.

"Oh, that's it." Xiao Qiang said.

"Xiao Qiang, you are alone, why not join us." Lin Miaomiao, who was silent on the side, blinked her bright eyes and looked at Xiao Qiang and said.

"I have a base, Longshan Base, I don't know if you have heard of it. By the way, why don't you want to join the base? With your ability, you can have a place in the base." Xiao Qiang asked curiously.

"Longshan Base, I seem to have heard of it. I heard that it is quite humane and well managed. The Black Wind Base was just destroyed recently. I originally wanted to join it, but some things delayed it. And, to be honest, we were originally from Lujiang Base, but then the nature of the base gradually changed, and there was no human touch at all. Alas, let's not talk about it." Pan Wei sighed and said.

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