Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 316 Entering the Urban Base (Ask for bookshelf!)

"Ah? Yes, yes, I came here just because our base is strong. Xiao Qiang pretended not to understand what the man meant, and said in a daze.

"Damn, benefits, do you have any benefits? Come to honor the brothers, otherwise our base will have to provide help, right? And, your injuries will require the brothers to take you to the doctor." The man took a look at Xiao Qiang's wound and pointed it out.

Xiao Qiang noticed that when this person finished speaking, the camouflage uniforms next to him also showed contempt on their faces. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but want to laugh. According to the information he got, these people and the people in the original legion here did not get along well, and the less harmonious they were, the easier it would be for him to cause trouble.

"Oh, that's the case. Come on, brothers, we're new here, let's have a cigarette. "As he spoke, Xiao Qiang took out a pack of cigarettes and handed it over.

Since it is the end of the world now, cigarettes are considered a luxury. Those people naturally smiled when they saw the cigarettes.

"Okay, come and register." The big man put his arm around Xiao Qiang's shoulders and took Xiao Qiang to the table and said.

"Name? Are you a mutant?" The big man asked.

"My name is Zhang Wei, and I am now a level 4 strong man." At this point, Xiao Qiang deliberately raised his head pretending to be proud.

"Oh, a level 4 strong man, you have to take good care of me when you join our M company's team in the future. "When the man heard that Xiao Qiang was a level 4 warrior, he changed his attitude and said to Xiao Qiang with a smile on his face.

It seems that in the end times, strength is the business card for everyone to gain respect.

Xiao Qiang smiled and did not answer the man. Xiao Qiang doubted that if he told his true strength, this man would be able to grin to the center of the city. Xiao Qiang did not think about hiding his strength too much this time. If he wanted to rescue his parents, it would be more convenient for him to act after reaching a certain status.

"Can I enter the base now? And please find someone to treat my injury." Xiao Qiang urged.

"Yes, yes, if you decide to join the base, you will naturally be a member of our base. With your strength, it will be no problem for you to be a team leader in this base. "The man replied as he walked with Xiao Qiang.

When the two were about to step into the gate and head into the base, suddenly, a big man in camouflage uniforms stretched out his hand to block their way.

"Brother, if you can, you can join our group." The man looked at Xiao Qiang and said.

"Ding, ordinary people are found." Xiao Qiang opened his eyes to identify and scan the man, and the system voice prompted.

"Hey, what are you doing? Are you trying to snatch people from me? Don't forget, your brother Wang doesn't dare to snatch people from us, who do you think you are?" The big man in the T-shirt stared at the big man in camouflage uniforms and said loudly.

His words immediately made the situation tense, and both sides picked up their weapons and confronted each other.

Xiao Qiang saw clearly that it was obvious that the strength of the camouflage uniforms was not dominant, and they would definitely suffer if they got angry and fought. Seeing this, he smiled slightly: "Everyone, if the fight continues, my wound will heal. "

Although the two sides were on the verge of a fight, it was clear that they had not torn their faces apart, so they would not directly fight. After hearing what Xiao Qiang said, they just backed off, put away their weapons, and stood back in place.

"Let's go, no need to pay attention to them." The big man took Xiao Qiang and continued to move forward.

When Xiao Qiang walked past the big man in camouflage, he smiled at him as a greeting.

After entering the base, Xiao Qiang couldn't help looking around. There were busy figures around the base, who were responsible for transporting materials to the base, and some people were reclaiming wasteland. However, at a glance, Xiao Qiang felt that these people were all listless, with reluctant faces, and each of them was pale and thin, and they looked even worse than when he met Li Dian and others at the Black Wind Base.

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