Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 317 Base Situation (Ask for bookshelf!)

"What are they doing? Why do they feel so hungry?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Them? Don't pay attention to them. This group of people is not mutants, and they have no connections. After the apocalypse broke out, they came to the base, but we can't waste food to feed them. No, the zombies a while ago After attacking the base, there was a big hole there, so let them repair the wall temporarily," the big man said nonchalantly.

"Is our base often attacked by these zombies?" Xiao Qiang asked, looking at the gap caused by the zombie attacks.

"Well, although our base is said to be in the suburbs, it is still in Xuzhou City after all. There are so many zombies now, and those zombie groups will definitely attack here. However, don't worry, our M Company has a powerful master Sitting in battle." The big man sighed and continued to preach.

"Then why don't you move to a remote place? And why don't you find a safer base?" Xiao Qiang looked at the big man and continued to ask questions, hoping to get more information.

"Look, we have so many people and so much arms in our base. It's not easy to move them. Besides, there are zombies everywhere now, so they can move them anywhere. As for me? So, I'll do it Let me tell you, when you enter our base, you must stand in line. To me, you are on the side of Company M. You are popular, drink spicy food, and sometimes play with girls. You are at a disadvantage. I stopped you. If you had just followed those people in camouflage uniforms, you would have suffered a lot." The big man opened his mouth and said to Xiao Qiang with an intoxicated look on his face.

"But why do I look like they are all listless, as if they don't have enough to eat?" Xiao Qiang continued to ask.

"They? They can't fight zombies, and they don't have any special strengths. It's a waste of food at the base. So, Mr. Li decided that at the base, these people can just eat one energy ball a day." The big man replied.

"What is an energy ball?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Ah, it's just mixed with some coarse grains, mixed with some weeds and the like. Now is the end of the world, and food is so precious, how can we just give it to these people to eat casually." The big man said nonchalantly.

When Xiao Qiang heard what the big man said, he couldn't help but feel angry. Looking at the big man's greasy face, he really wanted to punch that man in the face, but Xiao Qiang knew that it was not the time yet, so he had to endure it.

"What's going on with these tents and these iron houses? I think there are quite a few houses inside. They should be enough for the people in the base." Xiao Qiang asked, looking at these tents.

"These are for people like them. How can they live in the buildings inside? Look, the outermost circle of tents is inhabited by people who can only work hard at the base, zombies When the attack comes, eat them first. In the bungalows in the inner circle, those of us who can go out to find supplies and defend against zombies live on the innermost floor, which is the house of Mr. Li of Company M. , is also the base conference room, even the leaders of the group in camouflage uniforms are not qualified to enter," the big man said.

Xiao Qiang was speechless about what the Lujiang base was doing. They simply didn't treat these people as human beings.

"Yeah." Xiao Qiang nodded and continued to follow the big man, walking towards the second circle.

Walking along the road, Xiao Qiang has been memorizing the location of the buildings in the entire factory area so that he can escape if there is a conflict. Suddenly, Xiao Qiang saw a group of people walking across the street, and the person standing at the front was an old acquaintance of his.

When the big man saw the person coming, he pulled Xiao Qiang aside, moved out of the way, nodded to the man and said, "Hello, Master Li."

Li Feng didn't even look at that person, but continued to talk to the person behind him. Xiao Qiang also knew that person. He was Li Feng's bodyguard during the Black Wind. He was a level 7 strongman and his name was Zhang Qiang. . But it seemed that Zhang Qiang was very reluctant.

"The day after tomorrow is the time to hand over to Xiao Qiang. We must go and see those two people. We must also send more people in these two days to prevent Xiao Qiang from launching a surprise attack on the base."

"Also, we will start talks with Tongjiang Base tomorrow, so we must arrange the manpower well."

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang just raised his head and watched Li Feng and others passing by him. Because of his disguise, Li Feng didn't recognize Xiao Qiang at all.

"Bah, why are you so arrogant? He doesn't know anything, and it's not because of his father." The big man complained when he saw Li Feng walking away.

Xiao Qiang watched the big man complaining about Li Feng and couldn't help but want to laugh out loud. It seemed that not only the big men in camouflage uniforms had conflicts with Li Feng, but also the people under him were dissatisfied with him. In this way, my chances of winning are even better.

"Who was that person just now? Why did he look so arrogant, like he didn't care about anyone and looked down upon?" Xiao Qiang said deliberately adding jealousy.

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