Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 319 Doctor Rourou

Now, Xiao Qiang finally understood why the big man didn't come in. There was such a person living in the relationship. However, Xiao Qiang was still dragged into the room inside. He was pushed by the man and lay down on the bed.

The man then turned around, took some red potion and gauze, and walked away towards Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang was lying on the bed, thinking about enduring it for a while, quickly bandaging it and passing away. Simply, lying on the bed, when he saw the woman coming, he looked away.

"Little brother, just call me Sister Rourou. It looks like I've never seen you before. Why are you here?" The man asked Xiao Qiang while walking towards him.

"I was injured when I was dealing with zombies, so I just came to join our Lujiang base today." Xiao Qiang still used his own rhetoric and said to Sister Rourou.

As she spoke, the so-called Sister Rourou had already thrown herself onto the bed. And she did not stand by the bed to treat Xiao Qiang, but lay down beside the bed, her face almost close to Xiao Qiang's face. While applying red lotion to Xiao Qiang, he kept touching Xiao Qiang's body with his thighs wearing stockings. However, looking at this face so close to him, Xiao Qiang quickly closed his eyes.

"You made this wound yourself!" Suddenly, Sister Rourou said directly.

Hearing this, Xiao Qiang was startled and suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Sister Rourou's eyes. However, Xiao Qiang soon regained his composure and said, "What?"

"I'm a doctor. You can't lie to me. The wounds you make by yourself are different from those caused by others because the focus is different, and the depth of the wound is also different." Sister Rourou stood up and said calmly.

Xiao Qiang couldn't help but be more vigilant and was ready to take out the dagger from the system at any time.

"However, I am just a doctor, so I don't care about why you scratched yourself, nor why you came to this base. Of course, I am also very disappointed with this base. "Sister Rourou said calmly.

"Ding, I found a powerful person with level 4 powers."

When Xiao Qiang just opened his eyes, he had already turned on the binocular recognition scanning function and scanned Sister Rourou in front of him.

"You also hide it very well. As a powerful person with level 4 superpowers, you are just a doctor in the infirmary in the base." Xiao Qiang imitated Sister Rourou's tone and looked at Sister Rourou calmly. 's mouth said.

Xiao Qiang remembered that when he came here with the big man, he said that Sister Rourou had no powers. It was only with her medical skills that she was able to live in this second circle. Now, thanks to my eyesight recognition and scanning function, I was able to tell that she was actually a person with superpowers, so I opened my mouth to reveal it.

When Sister Rourou heard Xiao Qiang's words, she was obviously in a daze. She obviously didn't expect that Xiao Qiang would be able to see through her supernatural identity. He immediately reached out and pinched Xiao Qiang's face, put away the red potion, and said, "I didn't expect that you have pretty good eyesight."

Xiao Qiang smiled and looked back at the wound covered with red potion.

"Your body is so strong, such a small wound will heal automatically in two days. If you bandage it, it will be more conspicuous and will not be conducive to your movement." Sister Rourou said as she packed her things. He opened his mouth and replied to Xiao Qiang.

"Thank you. Sister Rourou has such superb medical skills. I think we will definitely have a chance to have a good chat." Xiao Qiang walked out and said to Sister Rourou.

"It's okay to chat. It's just that there are many people here to see the doctor during the day. If you are not afraid of your sister eating you, then come at night. Also, I hope that next time you come here, you can show your true face. Sister needs to take a closer look to see if he is really a handsome boy." Sister Rourou looked at Xiao Qiang's back and said with a smile.

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