Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 320 You are a mask (ask for bookshelf!)

Hearing this, Xiao Qiang stopped and turned his face slightly backward. Originally, the base lacked a professional doctor, and Xiao Qiang had always wanted to find a doctor to go to his Longshan base. When he saw Sister Rourou, he was shocked by her appearance at first, but thought that as long as her medical skills were high, it would be fine. Unexpectedly, she could actually see that her wound was scratched by herself, and even that her appearance was disguised. The most important thing is that from her tone, she was also very dissatisfied with the Lujiang base, which greatly increased the probability of recruiting. Unexpectedly, there is such a talent in this small infirmary.

"Okay! It's a deal, but I hope that Sister Rourou can take off this ugly mask and show her true face at that time." Xiao Qiang turned around and smiled and said.

It turned out that when Xiao Qiang opened his eyes and looked at her, he found that there was a slight trace of adhesion on the edge of Sister Rourou's face, like a mask or something like that. But he was not sure, so he tried it out. This time, Xiao Qiang felt that Sister Rourou was obviously stunned after he said it, which proved that what he said was right.

"I didn't expect this little guy to be so powerful. But I don't know what you want to do by breaking in here with so much effort? Also, when you see Miaomiao later, I have done everything she asked me to do." Sister Rourou muttered to herself after seeing Xiao Qiang go out.

After Xiao Qiang walked out of the door, he saw the big man squatting on the side of the road smoking. When the big man saw Xiao Qiang coming, he covered his mouth and laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, how is it, is it good, did you lose your virginity?"

The big man opened his mouth and talked to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang deliberately curled his lips and said, "How dare you say that? It's so mean. If I hadn't run fast, I'm afraid I would be dead today."

"Okay, okay, stop laughing. The wound has been treated. Where are we going next? Didn't I say that I can still be a team leader?" Xiao Qiang urged.

"Let's go. I'll take you to Brother Xuan. Brother Xuan is very strong. He came with Old Wu to help Master Li control this place. He is highly valued by Old Wu. Go report to him. I'm familiar with him. If I say a few good words for you, you will definitely be able to be a team leader." The big man boasted and led Xiao Qiang to a three-story office building in the first circle.

This three-story office building is located in the first circle. There are people standing guard at the door with guns. It is close to the center. It seems that this Brother Xuan is also an insider of M Company.

Xiao Qiang followed the big man and went up to a room on the third floor. The big man stood up and knocked on the door gently.

"Brother Xuan, there is a strong man of level 4 who came to our base to seek refuge. I brought him here to see you and see what kind of work to assign to him." The big man said respectfully.

"Come in, bring him in to see." A lazy voice sounded.

"Come on, follow me in." The big man patted Xiao Qiang on the shoulder and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

With a "squeak", the two opened the door and entered the room. The smell of barbecue immediately floated over. After entering the room and standing still, Xiao Qiang raised his head and looked at the person sitting behind the spacious desk in front of him.

The man, wearing a black sportswear and a pair of white hiking shoes, put his legs directly on the desk. When he saw the two people coming in, he did not put his legs down from the desk. His face was white and clean, with an evil look on his face. He was playing with a dagger made of black gold in his hand, which looked like his weapon. The dagger kept jumping and flipping at the fingertips, looking very skilled. Holding a barbecued leg of lamb in his hand, there were a few bottles of drinks next to the table. In the trash can next to him, Xiao Qiang saw a lot of meat that had not been eaten at all.

When the man saw the two people coming in, he threw the half-eaten leg of lamb in his hand into the trash can, picked up the exquisitely made tablecloth next to him and wiped his hands. Then, he raised his head and looked at the two people.

Those people outside have already started eating weeds, but he is eating and drinking here, and it is so wasteful. Xiao Qiang saw that man sitting behind the desk with a look of disdain on his face, and he was furious. But it's not time to explode yet, so Xiao Qiang still needs to be patient for a while.

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