Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 321 Testing Strength (Ask for bookshelf!)

"Brother Xuan, this man is called Zhang Wei. After being injured, he came to our base to seek a position. He is a Level 4 Strongman. The big man took two steps forward and spoke to Lin Xuan.

While the big man was talking, Xiao Qiang turned on the double-eye recognition scanning function and scanned the young man in front of him called Brother Xuan.

"Ding, a Level 7 Strongman human was found."

"Level 4 Strongman?" Lin Xuan raised his head, played with the dagger in his hand, stretched out his hand, and waved to the side at the big man in front of him.

Lin Xuan stared at Xiao Qiang, and Xiao Qiang also raised his head and looked up at Lin Xuan's eyes.

"Brother Xuan, the goods are genuine. Our base is in need of people now. With his joining, he will definitely provide us with help." The big man continued to say beside him.

"Yeah, it looks pretty solid. Not bad, not bad, very good. "Lin Xuan smiled and said to the two of them.

Suddenly, without warning, Lin Xuan's wrist shook lightly, and the black gold dagger in his hand flew quickly towards Xiao Qiang.

The big man was surprised to see the dagger shot by Lin Xuan at a high speed, and he took a breath of cold air and broke into a cold sweat for Xiao Qiang.

However, in the eyes of the big man, the dagger was extremely fast, but in the eyes of Xiao Qiang, it was easy to deal with. When Lin Xuan's wrist turned, Xiao Qiang had already seen through his movements, and with his own strength, he could easily dodge it, but Xiao Qiang noticed that the dagger was not aimed at him. Instead of hitting his head, the dagger shot towards the side of his head. At that moment, Xiao Qiang already understood that Lin Xuan was testing his strength.

So, Xiao Qiang looked at the dagger, and the whole person still stood there, as if he had not reacted. However, after all, he said that he was a strong man of level 4. When the dagger just flew past his head, Xiao Qiang suddenly jumped to the side and avoided the dagger, and the dagger went directly into the wall.

Xiao Qiang stood up, showing a panic and puzzled look, looking up at Lin Xuan.

"Xuan, Brother Xuan, what, what is this?" The big man asked nervously.

"Okay, there is nothing for you here, you did a good job, this is for you." As he said that, Lin Xuan threw out a pack of cigarettes and threw it on the ground in front of the big man.

"Thank you, Brother Xuan. "The big man looked flattering, picked up the pack of cigarettes from the ground, and left Xiao Qiang, opening the door and going out.

After the big man went out, the man looked at Xiao Qiang and smiled, walked to the wall behind him, and gently pulled with his hand, and the black gold dagger came out.

The man walked in front of Xiao Qiang while playing with the dagger and said, "Your strength is not bad, and you are definitely a strong man at level 4. It happens that we are short of manpower now, and a meeting will be held tomorrow, so you will be responsible for the safety of the inner circle temporarily. "

Xiao Qiang glanced at the man, nodded, and went out of the house without saying anything.

After going out, someone would naturally lead Xiao Qiang to meet the people he managed and the accommodation. Being responsible for the security of the inner circle was exactly what Xiao Qiang wanted, so that he could better check the whereabouts of his parents and facilitate his rescue.

After contacting the younger brothers from Company M, Xiao Qiang officially began to patrol near the inner circle. For a whole morning, Xiao Qiang wandered back and forth, but couldn't see where anyone could hide. It seems that if he wants to find someone, he must go to the inner circle. If you want to know more, you have to wait until the evening to ask Sister Rourou.

When lunch was served at noon, Xiao Qiang slowly looked for the camouflage man he met when he first entered the base, thinking about whether he could get some information from him.

Xiao Qiang noticed that after the meal, a group of people brought several plates, which even contained meat and vegetables, which were very rich. These people carried them to a three-story building in the middle, which should be sent to the senior executives of M Company.

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