Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 32: Turning Passive into Active

9 o'clock in the evening, in Longshan Base.

Everyone unanimously agreed not to arrange Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan to be on duty tonight, because they did not return home all night last night and they worked hard.

Hearing this reason, Xiao Qiang blushed with embarrassment, but he did not know how to refute it, so he went upstairs directly.

Xiao Qiang also rarely went to bed early. After washing up, he lay on the bed. The room was dark and there was no light outside the window.

Xiao Qiang needed some supplies, so he habitually summoned Xiao Cong at night.

"Xiao Cong, come out, help me check my attributes."

"Host, it's rare to summon me so early in the evening. Attributes are: Host: Xiao Qiang Strength: 121 (ordinary adult is 50) Speed: 110 (ordinary adult is 50) Vision: 90

Skills: Wolf Tooth Stick Method, Dragon Body Method (Entry Level: Proficiency 4/100), Hundred Eight Thunders (Entry Level: Proficiency 3/100) Raid (Entry Level: Proficiency 0/100)

Exchange Points: 2166 points Mall Permission: Level 1 (can only buy some low-level weapons, medicines, food, etc.) Open lottery permission level 1 Comprehensive evaluation: Strong Level 4. Strength value 10/300 Experience value: 1434/2500. Possess a bone spur dagger, strength pills, and a thousand machine umbrella." Xiao Cong teased while displaying the information.

Looking at the experience bar that was still a long way from upgrading, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but complain: "Xiao Cong, since I reached the 4th level of the strong, it has been too difficult to upgrade further. Killing a zombie gives too little experience."

"Host, it is common sense that the higher you go, the harder it is. Moreover, with the host's current strength, fighting those level 1 zombies is much easier than when you fought those zombies. However, this system can also responsibly tell the host that the higher you go, the more benefits you will get. In addition, the host has been a little comfortable recently. You know, you mainly become stronger by killing zombies. If you continue like this, you will be surpassed by your friends." After listening to Xiao Qiang's words, Xiao Cong began to complain.

Xiao Qiang listened to Xiao Cong's words and couldn't refute it. He was indeed a little comfortable recently, and he would not take the initiative to fight zombies to upgrade. It seems that the base matters will be handed over to Wang Liang and others in the future, and he will have to kill more zombies.

The key is that he has lived comfortably in the villa these days. At least he has found a relatively safe place. He doesn't have to worry about food and drink every day. Xiao Qiang even thought about settling down here.

After receiving Xiao Cong's "education", Xiao Qiang also reflected on it and said to Xiao Cong: "Okay, okay, what you said does make sense. I really haven't thought about becoming stronger recently. People who don't think about the future will have immediate worries. Seeing that I have reflected so thoroughly, is there any discount for buying me 100 Colt pistol bullets?" Although he was teasing, Xiao Qiang really felt that he had been slacking off a lot in his heart recently. You know, there is still the ultimate task that has not been completed.

"No! 100 Colt pistol bullets require a total of 1,000 exchange points." Xiao Cong said in a serious manner.

Xiao Qiang looked at the disappearing 1,000 exchange points and felt pain again.

Just as Wang Peng teased himself, 100 bullets for a beautiful woman's smile.

When I have time, I will definitely get a gun. By then, my experience will be flowing like water.

After exiting the system, Xiao Qiang felt sleepy. He did not sleep well in the clothing store last night, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

That night, Xiao Qiang started to have the same dream again in the early morning, but this time, in the dream, he repelled the zombies and led people to rebuild their homes.

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