Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 33 Harmonious Morning

In rural areas, everyone usually gets up early. In the morning, listening to the voices below, Xiao Qiang also woke up, took a long stretch, and Xiao Qiang also walked downstairs.

When he got downstairs, Xiao Qiang discovered that except for Lin Bingyan and Li Wei who were still sleeping, everyone else had gotten up, and even Yang Xue was running around the villa.

Among them, Aunt Wang was preparing firewood for cooking, Uncle Li was holding farm tools and exploring farming, and Uncle Cui went out early in the morning to find a place to put the motor.

Looking at Li Chong and Wang Liang lifting dumbbells, Xiao Qiang saw that it was still early and joined the exercise team. After a while, the three of them were sweating profusely.

After the exercise, Xiao Qiang went into the house to wash up and came out. He looked at the scene in front of him, with smoke curling up from the kitchen, and harmony. He sighed in his heart, how harmonious it is, but I have to start my journey of killing zombies, otherwise I will really fall behind in the future.

After communicating with Xiao Cong last night, Xiao Qiang decided to change from passive to active and kill zombies.

After a while, Uncle Cui came back and saw Xiao Qiang and said, "I found a transformer room over there. It's just the right place to put the motor. The circuits are all connected and it's easy to operate. When the time comes, it can be connected." A line that connects the entire consumer area.”

After listening to Uncle Cui's words, Xiao Qiang called Li Chong and Wang Liang, took a bucket of gasoline and the motor, put them on the pickup truck, and then installed them.

Not long after, a few people completed the installation and drove back.

As soon as they entered the villa, Li Wei ran over happily.

"The villa has electricity. Did you do it? It's great. Now we don't have to be completely dark at night."

"Yeah, brother Qiang took us over there to install a motor." Wang Peng said as he got out of the car.

"But we still need to save electricity. The motor capacity is not very large, so there is no problem in maintaining the villa, but we don't have much gasoline." Xiao Qiang turned to several people and said.

Everyone nodded in agreement. After all, in this apocalyptic world, being able to use electricity is already a dream.

"Let's eat, the meal is ready!" Aunt Wang had already cooked the rice porridge and was greeting everyone to eat at this time.

After breakfast, Xiao Qiang handed 100 bullets to Lin Bingyan, but this time he specifically told her to save them.

Lin Bingyan smiled slightly at Xiao Qiang and said, "Okay!"

The three of them were well prepared, checked their weapons, and drove out amid everyone's warnings to pay attention to safety.

The three of them still chose to drive a pickup truck and filled up the car with gas before going out. After all, no one knew if any special circumstances would happen.

The three of them were driven by Xiao Qiang. In the car, Wang Peng was sitting in the passenger seat, holding a knife and cutting branches into crossbow arrows.

Xiao Qiang turned his head and took a look and sighed, fortunately Wang Peng could be self-sufficient. If he could follow Lin Bingyan's example, his little exchange points would really not be enough.

He said to Wang Peng: "You are really powerful. You can cut this by yourself. If we weren't from the same school, I really doubt you live in the mountains and forests."

"Hey, I'm just trying to imitate a cat. I can't sharpen it into the shape of the crossbow arrow you gave me. I'll just make do with it!" Wang Peng replied while comparing it to a crossbow arrow.

In the back seat, Lin Bingyan was also sorting out her bullets. She was still dressed in sportswear and carrying a waist bag. The waist bag was also found from a clothing store, and the bullets were placed in it.

Looking at the Thousand Chance Umbrella and the Bone Spur Dagger placed aside, there was no other way. Xiao Qiang just tied these two weapons to his body with a rope. It was inconvenient when driving, so he could only put them aside. I thought to myself that when I turn around, I must build a weapons room in the base specifically to study these issues.

"Wang Peng, can you use a bow and arrow?" Xiao Qiang asked as he was determined to get the crossbow back and remembered that his mission reward was a crescent moon bow.

"I've never used it before, but I think the principle is roughly the same. It shouldn't be difficult if you practice it a few times." Wang Peng also said with confidence after getting the talent of shooting.

Xiao Qiang was relieved when he heard Wang Peng's words. Once the mission was completed and the crossbow was retrieved, he would be able to fight zombies more easily.

Not long after the car drove out, amid the chatter of several people, they had already left Longshan Park and were about to enter the village.

"Attention, we are about to enter the village." Xiao Qiang saw the car was about to enter the village and turned back to the two of them.

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