Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 34 Entering the Village Again

This time, Xiao Qiang was going to explore a road leading into Kangzhuang Village. This road was close to the main expressway and was about 200 meters long. There were mostly residential houses on both sides of the road, and there were two rare grocery stores.

The reason why Xiao Qiang chose only three people to come was that he was not going to kill the long-tongued zombies now, and it was easy for three people to hide and escape. Second, Xiao Qiang came to explore the road and kill more zombies, so Xiao Qiang chose to explore only this road.

When the car passed the plaque at the entrance of the village, it was seen from a distance that there were many zombies wandering on the whole road. A rough estimate was that there were about two hundred. The whole village was dead and there was no trace of human activity. The zombies killed by several people in the battle the day before yesterday were still lying there. There was already some stench from the corpses. The strange thing was that there were no flies around the whole corpse. Perhaps even this kind of small flying insects did not want to get close to this monster.

Xiao Qiang slowed down the car and stopped in advance next to a house without zombies. The Thousand Machine Umbrella and the dagger were tied to the body, and the other two were asked to get off the car.

Several people got off the car, put on the safety helmets found in the hotel, and then wrapped their wrists with tin foil. This method was thought up by Wang Liang. Several people didn't care whether these things were useful or not. After all, facing zombie monsters, no matter how careful they were, it was not too much.

Xiao Qiang had just closed the car door, and with a "whoosh", a sharp arrow broke through the air and accurately shot a zombie on the back of the head.

"Let's try to see if the arrow I cut can be used. I didn't expect it to be quite useful." Wang Peng saw the two people looking at him, scratched his head embarrassedly and said.

"Xiao Qiang, where are we going next?" Lin Bingyan held the pistol and asked Xiao Qiang.

"Kill zombies and search for supplies." After speaking, Xiao Qiang reversed the bone spur dagger and ran forward with big strides.

Xiao Qiang decided to search one room at a time. Searching for supplies is one aspect, and the most important thing is that Xiao Qiang does not want to miss the survivors. It would be best if he can save the survivors.

Xiao Qiang turned into the ramp. Most of the houses on both sides of this road were neatly planned, and each ramp had four houses.

After eating and drinking, Xiao Qiang went at full speed. The four zombies in the passage were all knocked to the ground in a moment, and Wang Peng and Lin Bingyan had just entered the passage.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

Listening to the prompt sound of killing zombies, it is not enough, not enough, and there is still a long way to upgrade.

Xiao Qiang kicked open a door with one foot. Before he entered the door, a big zombie rushed out and rushed straight to Xiao Qiang's body. Xiao Qiang hurriedly dodged, and the huge body of the zombie hit the opposite wall directly, making a "dong" sound.

Xiao Qiang kicked the ground with both feet, grasped the bone spur dagger and inserted it directly from the back of the zombie's head, instantly piercing the zombie's head, and even the tip of the dagger was immersed in the wall. A stream of dirty blood mixed with brain matter flowed out along the dagger. Xiao Qiang quickly pulled out the dagger and entered the house.

In an ordinary rural house, Xiao Qiang and his two companions visited several houses in succession, but found nothing special. In the past, the money, passbooks, and color TVs became the most useless things in this doomsday. In addition to some remaining flour and the like, there were farm tools, but there were few people in the villa now, so they didn't need so much. It wouldn't be too late to come back and get them when there were more people in the future.

After searching another row of houses, the road into the village had been searched by the three people at this time, and two hours had passed. The three people killed zombies and searched for supplies. When they saw supplies, they took them away and put them back in the car. They filled half of the pickup truck. Unfortunately, they didn't meet any survivors.

The three returned to the main road. During this period, Xiao Qiang didn't let Lin Bingyan shoot, for fear of alarming a large number of zombies and being besieged.

Further ahead was a convenience store on this road. Most of the convenience stores in rural areas were not too big, selling some daily necessities and snacks.

The three stopped and saw no less than 20 zombies in front of the convenience store, with sounds of zombies colliding with shelves being heard from time to time in the store.

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