Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 35: Fighting against the Zombies

When they were less than 5 meters away from the convenience store, a zombie spotted the three people, let out a low growl in his throat, and rushed over with the lead.

"Hit!" Xiao Qiang shouted loudly, and rushed out first. He moved the dagger in his hand horizontally, swung it forward with force, and directly cut off the arm of the leading zombie from the shoulder. The zombie's claws were still slightly open when it landed. Then with a "bang", the bullet hit the zombie's forehead, and the zombie fell backwards. The zombies behind him didn't even look at it and continued to rush forward by stepping on the body of the leading zombie.

Xiao Qiang didn't look back and rushed into the pile of zombies. He took back the dagger, stretched the Thousand Machine Umbrella directly as a long stick, and danced the Thousand Machine Umbrella in the zombie group.

Wang Peng and Lin Bingyan were also shooting continuously in the back. Although Wang Peng's crossbow was difficult to use, Wang Peng's bow and arrows were not slower than Lin Bingyan's when he used it.

With Xiao Qiang's current level 4 strength, it was indeed much easier to fight these level 1 zombies. In addition, the Thousand Chance Umbrella is indeed made of black gold. Once these zombies are touched by the Thousand Chance Umbrella, they will inevitably fall to the ground.

Here, Xiao Qiang just hit a zombie hard with the wolf tooth stick method, and the zombie's brain was directly smashed. Suddenly, there was a gust of wind behind him. Xiao Qiang did not turn around, and swung the Thousand Chance Umbrella directly from front to back. Unexpectedly, there was no sound of skull breaking this time. On the contrary, Xiao Qiang felt a huge force coming from the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and the momentum of the weapon's fall was also stopped. Then, Xiao Qiang was thrown directly to the wall with the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and his head hit the stone heavily.

"Xiao Qiang!" Lin Bingyan shouted, and kicked the zombie beside him with a side kick, and was about to rush over.

At this time, Xiao Qiang slowly stood up, stretched out his right hand, and opened his five fingers in the direction of Lin Bingyan and the others. Said: "No need to come over, keep shooting."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Peng's feather arrow had already reached the zombie, but the zombie with strange strength flicked it casually, and the feather arrow broke into two pieces and scattered on the ground.

Xiao Qiang threw the safety helmet with a hole on his head aside. Thanks to the helmet and the body quenching agent, he would have suffered a concussion.

However, Xiao Qiang also had an idea in his mind. The evolution speed of this zombie was much higher than that of humans. In just a few days, he encountered another level 2 zombie.

Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly, and his eyes were fixed on the zombie in front of him. This zombie was dark and strong, but not very tall. The white eyeballs formed a clear contrast with the dark skin.

The zombie rushed towards Xiao Qiang, but the speed was not fast. Xiao Qiang slightly turned sideways, dodged the attack, swung the Thousand Machine Umbrella forward, and hit the zombie's back hard. The zombie struggled and lay on the ground.

Xiao Qiang did not give the zombie a chance to get up. He raised the Thousand Machine Umbrella and hit the back of the zombie's head one after another.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +90, exchange point +90."

Xiao Qiang stopped his actions after hearing this sound.

Without any fancy moves, Xiao Qiang subdued a level 2 zombie with just a few simple moves. This is the improvement of combat experience, which is a skill honed in actual combat. Although Xiao Qiang is still a strong level 4, his combat awareness is much stronger than when he just upgraded to strong level 4.

Over there, Wang Peng and the other two also eliminated all the remaining zombies.

Seeing that there were no other zombies coming nearby, the three of them went directly into the convenience store. Xiao Qiang put away the Thousand Machine Umbrella, took out the Bone Spur Dagger and cleanly solved several zombies in the store.

"Hurry up and pack things. After packing, we will go back to the villa. If we stay for a while, the zombies will come." Xiao Qiang took out a large cloth bag and said to the two while picking up the ham sausage.

"There are also canned fruits. Yesterday, Li Wei told me that she wanted to eat fruits." Wang Peng said excitedly while holding the canned food.

"Wang Peng, I remember Wang Liang said yesterday that he wanted to eat pig's trotters. Why do you only remember what our Xiaowei said?" Lin Bingyan said teasingly while shaking the vacuum pig's trotters next to the canned food.

"I... I have to take them one by one. I haven't taken them yet." Wang Peng said with a red face and some stuttering.

Lin Bingyan and Xiao Qiang smiled at each other and stopped teasing Wang Peng.

Soon, the three of them each carried two large bags full of meat and canned food, Lin Bingyan took some snacks, and Xiao Qiang took more mineral water and drinks. Before leaving, he took two bottles of wine and a pack of cigarettes.

Seeing that the bags were full, they could improve their food when they returned. Xiao Qiang smiled at the two and said, "Go home!"

The three of them went out and got in the car, returning with full loads.

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