Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 329 Three Powerful Men of Tongjiang (Ask for bookshelf!)

Xiao Qiang obviously didn't expect that after he told Sister Rourou's self-protection method, he didn't expect Sister Rourou to speak like this. Immediately, his face turned red like a monkey's butt.

"Hahaha, I'm just teasing you. I'm trying to show you how shy you are, so that you dare to speak out my sister's thoughts so casually in the future." Sister Rourou suddenly stepped back, covered her mouth and laughed.

"Oh, okay Sister Rourou." Xiao Qiang doesn't dare to provoke Sister Rourou anymore. She is dressed so sexy and has such a good figure. If she really wants to seduce Xiao Qiang, Xiao Qiang is really afraid. My willpower was not strong enough and I made a mistake.

"But Sister Rourou, what is your superpower?" Xiao Qiang asked curiously.

"Hahaha, I won't tell you, it's a secret." Sister Rourou stood up, looked at Xiao Qiang proudly and said.

"Sister Rourou, someone seems to be passing by outside." Xiao Qiang's hearing is relatively sensitive. When he heard someone passing by outside, he lowered his voice and said to Sister Rourou.

"Really?" As she spoke, Sister Rourou opened the drawer, took out the ugly mask from it, and brought it to her face in a panic.

Xiao Qiang also stood up and said to Sister Rourou: "Sister Rourou, I have to leave that action to you."

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang was ready to go out. At this time, Sister Rourou grabbed Xiao Qiang and said, "You haven't done a full set yet, and you haven't been exposed yet. Why don't you just go out like this?"

Sister Rourou pulled Xiao Qiang's arm, took the red potion directly from the side, smeared it on Xiao Qiang's arm a few more times, and then signaled to Xiao Qiang to let him out.

Xiao Qiang opened the door and walked out of the infirmary. He saw a group of people patrolling in front of the infirmary, gathering together to smoke and chat.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang pretended to arrange his clothes, and ran out of the infirmary in a panic, muttering: "Damn, I'm so ugly. Fortunately, I can run fast. I have to lose my virginity.”

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang glanced at the people next to him. Those people looked at Xiao Qiang and covered their mouths and laughed secretly. Xiao Qiang curled his lips slightly and walked towards the distance.

When passing by Wu Shan's house, Xiao Qiang saw Wu Shan waving to him from a distance. Xiao Qiang looked around and found that there was no one around, so he followed Wu Shan into Wu Shan's house. . Through inquiring, Xiao Qiang already knew that after the legion experienced the siege, the only strong person left was Brother Han, a level 9 strong person. Those original strong people were either dead or injured, or some of them had transferred to Company M's camp, currently on the legion side, doesn't have many people, and Wu Shan is in charge.

"Brother Xiao Qiang, I have already set off for the Tongjiang base this afternoon. After meeting my brother, I told them our plan and they have agreed to discuss it with the people from Company M. Son, postpone the meeting until the day after tomorrow." Wu Shan sat on the bed, motioned to Xiao Qiang to sit on the bed, and said.

Xiao Qiang took out the cigarette from the system and handed it to Wu Shan. Wu Shan took the cigarette, glanced at Xiao Qiang gratefully, lit the cigarette, and smoked the cigarette beautifully.

"How many people are there at Tongjiang Base? How many strong people are there? After you tell them, are you willing to move to Longshan Base?" Xiao Qiang also asked in detail.

"The Tongjiang base was originally a small base with a small number of people. In addition, it is close to the urban area and is often attacked by zombies. Now there are nearly 2,000 people left in it. The top combat capabilities are: Strong Brother Huang Ri is at level 8, Brother Qiao Tong is at level 6, and my brother, Wu Ze, has now reached level 6. Of course, there are also some level 2.3 experts mixed in. Among them, it is not very helpful to deal with the group of people in M ​​Company. I have told them that if they can move to a safer place, they will naturally be willing to move." Wu Shan said happily. He took a puff of cigarette and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, good job. Now we are just waiting for the plan to start. By the way, you were not discovered by anyone from Company M when you went out, right?" Xiao Qiang still asked cautiously.

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