Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 330 Don’t mess with Mr. Wu (ask for bookshelf!)

"You just came to the base and don't know the situation here. Those people from M Company are eager for all of our corps to leave the base, so they don't care where we go. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people who are dissatisfied with the behavior of these people in the base and choose to leave the base without anyone stopping them." Wu Shan sighed and said.

"Oh, is that so? That's good. By the way, we should also inform the people in the base in advance and let them be prepared. Our base will send people to meet them at that time." Xiao Qiang instructed Wu Shan again.

"Yeah, the people in the base have been angry for so long and have been dissatisfied with the people of M Company. If you tell them, they will definitely agree." Wu Shan finished smoking a cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Yeah, that's good. Be patient. We will fight with these people from M Company the day after tomorrow." Xiao Qiang stood up and said with a firm look in the distance.

At this time, in a luxurious three-story building in Lujiang Base, there is a spacious conference room.

"Dad, why bother? Let's just send out Wu Lao to destroy their Tongjiang base directly, and then catch their leaders and torture them to see if they will tell us." Li Feng sat on a luxurious office swivel chair, with his feet on the table, drinking a cold drink while talking to his father Li Zhong.

"Put your feet down, I've told you so many times, you'd better respect Wu Lao, this Wu Lao is not our subordinate, he is powerful, and his personality is weird, even I dare not disturb him easily." Li Zhong looked at Li Feng, slapped the table angrily, pointed at Li Feng and said.

Li Zhong was very dissatisfied with his son. Before the end of the world, he was idle all day long, flirting with women, and usually, Li Zhong would wipe Li Feng's ass. Fortunately, as the boss of a pharmaceutical company, he had some connections in Lujiang and some money.

So, even if Li Feng was not very good at studying, he still spent a lot of money on him to allow him to enter Lujiang University. I thought that after he graduated, he would gradually take over his own company. Who would have thought that the end of the world would suddenly come. Fortunately, before the end of the world came, as a branch of M Company in Lujiang, I was assigned a task by my superiors, and there were masters like Wu Lao who came to Lujiang to help me. I suddenly felt that I was very powerful even in the end of the world.

However, Li Feng also relied on Li Zhong's snobbery. He usually commanded Zhang Jun and others, but he even once ordered Wu Lao around. Masters like Wu Lao are not something that Li Feng, a young boy, can command. Even in the upper-level M company, he can rank high. He didn't care whether you were the son of a small supervisor in Lujiang. He was furious and wanted to slap Li Feng. Thanks to Li Zhong's apology, he gave him face. Now, hearing that Li Feng still didn't learn his lesson, he was furious.

"Put it down, then put it down. Why are you so angry?" Li Feng also curled his lips. After seeing his father's rage, he quickly put his feet down from the table obediently.

"Now, the end of the world has been coming for almost 5 months. You know, since the legion developed the networked system, almost all bases have been registered, and now it is not only our M company that dominates. Last time, Mr. Wu took action to destroy the Xujiang base, which had already alarmed the strong men of the upper level. So, this time, if we can find out the whereabouts of the arms and black gold in the name of a meeting, it will be good. If we can't find it, we will pretend to be zombies and attack, causing an explosion. Anyway, this base has been harassed by the two demons in the city. If we still can't find the batch of arms this time, the superiors have approved us to move to the city of the upper level." Li Zhong looked at Li Feng. After all, Li Feng was his only son, and he spoke as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Can we go to the next level city? That's great. I've been fed up with this crappy place for a long time." Li Feng had stayed in a next level city for some time. Thinking of the prosperity of the base there, he was very excited and spoke at this moment.

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