Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 331 Zombies Attack (Ask for bookshelf!)

"Yes, but keep it secret. Also, I don't know why the people at Tongjiang Base changed the date to the day after tomorrow. You should pay more attention these two days and make sure to keep a good lookout for those people. Got it?" Li Zhong also reminded Li Feng.

"Yes, father." Li Feng happily assured his father and went out to make arrangements.

At night, Xiao Qiang stayed in his room to rest. Because Xiao Qiang reported that he was a strong man at level 4. So he was not only assigned a team leader, but also had a room to live in alone. In the base in the city, Xiao Qiang can feel the difference brought about by strength more clearly. However, Xiao Qiang doesn't like this feeling, this kind of situation where humans are divided into levels and other people's levels are ignored.

The room was dark, but Xiao Qiang didn't care. With night vision eyes, Xiao Qiang could see objects clearly even in a dark environment. In the second half of the night, it was Xiao Qiang's turn to start patrolling, and it was also the time for Xiao Qiang to rescue his parents. At such times, Xiao Qiang always felt particularly uneasy.

After tossing and turning, Xiao Qiang simply entered the system and started chatting with Xiao Cong.

"Xiao Cong, what is the origin of this M company? It suddenly rose in the end of the world, and why do I feel that they have a certain connection with the outbreak of zombies?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Host, you know, you need to search for evidence and explore information yourself for these things." Xiao Cong seemed to be very energetic at night, blinking his big eyes and looking at Xiao Qiang.

"I know. Then Xiao Cong, do you think my rescue at night will be successful?" Xiao Qiang continued to chat.

"As long as the host works hard, there is hope for everything." Xiao Cong patted Xiao Qiang's head and said.

"Then Xiao Cong, do you think I can beat that old Wu?" Xiao Qiang continued to ask.

"Host, you must believe in your own strength. Anything you have can be regarded as a treasure by others. So, host, you still have to believe in yourself." Xiao Cong continued to say.

"Xiao Cong, you say..."

While chatting with Xiao Cong in the system, Xiao Qiang felt a wave of sleepiness coming, and he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

While sleeping, Xiao Qiang suddenly moved his ears slightly and heard a noise outside, which became louder and louder. He sat up suddenly and looked out the window.

Looking out the window, I saw teams of guards holding machine guns and shouting as they ran towards the third circle. Of course, some of the M company's personnel also ran in the opposite direction and chose to go to the first circle to strengthen the guard of the office building where Li Feng and his son were. In the distance, the third circle could still hear the howling of zombies from time to time.

"Not good, it must be zombies coming to attack the base." Xiao Qiang thought, and quickly put on his clothes and ran outside.

When he arrived at the door, Xiao Qiang saw a group of people in camouflage uniforms directing them to the gap in the outer wall of the third circle.

Xiao Qiang stopped Wu Shan and asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Zombies are besieging the base, and they are constantly attacking from the gap and attacking the base." Wu Shan turned his head and recognized that the man was Xiao Qiang, and said to Xiao Qiang.

"What's wrong with them? Why are they moving in the opposite direction?" Xiao Qiang pointed at the guards of the M Company in front of him, and saw that they were holding machine guns and running towards the first circle, so he asked.

"Hmph, these beasts only care about the safety of their own people in the M Company, and don't care about the lives of the people in the base. When the fight starts the day after tomorrow, they must use machine guns to shoot all these beasts." Wu Shan looked at the people of the M Company and said viciously.

"The lips and teeth are cold, don't these people even understand this truth? In the end times, everyone does not help each other, but is snobbish and only understands the temporary safety in front of them. This group of people is really short-sighted." Xiao Qiang looked at this group of people and frowned.

However, when Wu Shan, who was standing aside, heard Xiao Qiang's words, his eyes were full of admiration.

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