Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 332 It will be a sports car (ask for bookshelf!)

"There are many strong people in this apocalypse, and there are also many people who understand the truth in this apocalypse, but there are very few people who are so strong as Xiang Xiao, who can still care about the people and think about others. It is because of Xiao I, Wu Shan, admire what you said, brother." Wu Shan looked at Xiao Qiang and said firmly.

"Yeah, let's go, let's go over and help." Xiao Qiang patted Wu Shan on the shoulder and said.

When he arrived at the gap in the wall, Xiao Qiang found that since there were walls all around, the zombies attacked from here, but there was no scene of zombies crowding in from all directions. Xiao Qiang noticed that at this time, standing in front of a bunch of vehicles in front of the gap, there were about 500 people, composed of civilians from the army and the base, holding machine guns and firing wildly to stop the zombies. Since there was no electricity at all in the third circle, everyone lit torches and held flashlights to shoot at the zombies in the dark night. Under the suppression of these strong firepower, the zombies were temporarily blocked at the door, but the number of zombies gathered more and more. As the zombies move, the zombie group as a whole is also approaching towards the base.

Farther away, there were about 100 people from Company M wearing black T-shirts, holding machine guns and taking stances. When Xiao Qiang saw this, he couldn't help but feel a little angry. These big guys from Company M obviously wanted to use the people from the Legion as a shield, but he and others were hiding behind. Xiao Qiang is very angry, but it's not time to show up yet.

He recognized that the leader of these people was the big man when he entered the base in the morning, with a level 2 strength. It seemed that he was also appointed by Company M as the small leader in charge of the peripheral areas. When Xiao Qiang saw the big man looking at him, he raised his feet and walked over.

"What's going on? Why did this zombie suddenly attack the base?" Xiao Qiang pretended to be panicked, took out a cigarette and handed it to the big man and asked.

The big man took the cigarette, pulled Xiao Qiang aside, and said, "You don't know something, so don't make a fuss. We are so close to the city, and we are often attacked by zombies."

"Furthermore, Master Feng usually likes to play with sports cars. He often takes Brother Jun for a spin around the suburbs when he is too busy. You know the sound of sports cars. It is inevitable that zombies will be disturbed and besieged by zombies. , which is inevitable." The big man sneered, raised his eyebrows at Xiao Qiang, and pointed at a luxury sports car parked in an open space.

"How long has this been happening? You are still playing with a sports car. You have alarmed the zombies. Do you not take the lives of the people in the base seriously at all? Do you still think it is child's play? Moreover, it has been fighting for so long, why? Company M still didn't send a strong person to command the guards." When Xiao Qiang heard what the big man said, he knew that the zombies were chasing him here, and it was caused by the roar of Li Feng's sports car, and he couldn't help but get angry.

"Keep your voice down, don't let others hear you badmouthing Master Feng. You have just arrived at the base and are not familiar with it yet. Our base is too close to the city and is often besieged by small groups of zombies. Don't worry. Well, we have so many weapons in our base that we can defeat the zombies with just a few hits. Besides, with people like them at the front, there is nothing to be afraid of, let alone those strong men from Company M. They didn't come to this base to protect these people, they just wanted to protect the people of Company M." As he spoke, the big man patted Xiao Qiang's shoulder nonchalantly. He turned his head and motioned Xiao Qiang to look at the brightly lit building in the center of the first circle.

Xiao Qiang was simmering with anger in his heart, but he knew that he was not the same person as this kind of person, and it was useless to talk too much, so he shrugged and took the big man's hand from his shoulder without leaving a trace. down.

"I'll go to a higher place to see how many zombies there are." As he spoke, Xiao Qiang walked straight towards a tall building nearby without waiting for the big man's reply.

When the big man saw Xiao Qiang walking away slowly, he smiled, shook his head, lit a cigarette, and then leaned on the pillar next to him, watching the blow in front of him.

After Xiao Qiang's figure disappeared into the darkness, he saw a three-story building. Most of the guards were attracted to the zombies in front.

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