Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 334 Blow up his sports car (ask for bookshelf!)

Under the illumination of the fire, in the dark night sky, the people behind him only saw a young man holding a bone spur dagger, rushing into the zombie group alone, fighting with those zombies, with sweat on his face and the blood of zombies on his body, just to protect the people behind him from being hurt.

"This kid is really stupid. So many people are blocking him in front, but he still has to rush into the zombie group with a dagger to fight. However, this kid's strength is really good. Moreover, the dagger in his hand is really good. Team leader Liu Xuan seems to be using a dagger. When the time comes, report to him, maybe you can get another pack of cigarettes." The big man from the M company standing behind him, not only did not say to help, but also laughed at Xiao Qiang here, and said with a younger brother standing next to him. He even began to plan to use the dagger in Xiao Qiang's hand to plan for himself.

However, the people in the base and the people of the legion saw this, and they also admired the man who suddenly jumped out. In their opinion, although Xiao Qiang could not form an overwhelming advantage over the zombies after deliberately suppressing his level to level 4, he was brave enough and strong enough to fight these zombies with all his strength, hoping to stop the attack of the zombie group.

"Mom, big brother is great and brave, and he is completely different from the people next to him." The little girl Xiao Qiang met at noon whispered to her mother.

"Yes, you are too young. When you grow up, you have to learn skills well, learn from big brother, and be braver." Her mother also said to the little girl earnestly.

"Well, you did a good job, and you fought well." A big man holding a gun said.

"Brother, you are so brave." A civilian said.

. . . . . . .

"This brother is so brave, we don't need to be like them, staying here like turtles, brothers, pick up weapons and fight these zombies." A young man among the people was also infected by Xiao Qiang, picked up a machine gun from the side, and shouted to the people behind him.

For a while, many people picked up guns from the side. Although they were not very skilled in using them and the guns were very heavy, these old, weak, women and children still rushed up and picked up machine guns to shoot at the zombies.

"He may really be able to lead the people in the base to create a new base. He has something very powerful." Wu Shan, who was commanding on the side, couldn't help but sighed when he saw that Xiao Qiang could actually lead so many people to participate in the battle.

You know, when the zombie riot happened in the base before, these old, weak, women and children in the base and these people didn't dare to be hostile to the zombies, let alone close combat. Later, at the request of Wu Shan and others, some men learned to use machine guns to help fight the enemy. Now, Xiao Qiang was able to overcome everyone's fear of zombies by his own strength, and at the same time aroused everyone's resistance.

Under Xiao Qiang's leadership, after so many people joined the crowd to resist zombies, although these people were not very skilled in shooting, they could hit a zombie with random shooting in the face of so many zombies. What's more, there is Xiao Qiang, a master, who constantly checks for loopholes in the zombie group. It seems that Xiao Qiang only showed the strength of a strong man at level 4, but in fact, Xiao Qiang felt extremely relaxed when facing these low-level zombies. In the constant fight with these zombies, Xiao Qiang kept paying attention to which side of the zombies rushed to the front, and then he quickly used the surrounding objects and terrain to force the zombies back.

Therefore, under Xiao Qiang's continuous attack and the shooting of machine guns, those zombies continued to rush forward into the base, but if you look closely, the zombie group as a whole, the zombies rushing to the front, are constantly retreating.

As the zombies continued to attack, the big men from M Company finally came to help. With their help, everyone's pressure was finally relieved a lot.

While fighting the zombies, Xiao Qiang glanced at the cars parked in the open space. After Xiao Qiang knew that these zombies were attracted by Li Feng's sports car, he was furious. If it weren't for hiding his strength, Xiao Qiang would have blown up those cars long ago.

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