Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 335 The sports car was really blown up (ask for the bookshelf!)

Now that he saw those cars, Xiao Qiang had an idea in his mind, which could at least alleviate his anger.

"There are more and more zombies. We must quickly seal the gap in the wall." After Xiao Qiang killed a zombie with a dagger, he jumped out from the zombies with all his strength and headed towards the direction of the car. Jumped over some.

"Move all these cars to the gap." Xiao Qiang shouted at the crowd behind him.

Xiao Qiang's shout was only for the people of Company M to hear, so that they would think that he did not deliberately destroy these cars. After shouting, Xiao Qiang ran to the sports car first without waiting for their reply.

No matter how expensive the sports car was, no matter how good and strong the glass was, Xiao Qiang held the bone spur dagger in his hand, and the tip of the dagger was pointed at the piece of glass. With a slight force on his hand, the glass was shattered.

"Hahaha, I'll let you drive a sports car again, and I'll make a sports car for you this time. I'll make you a broken car and let you drive it out again." Xiao Qiang chuckled and muttered while destroying the car's glass.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang had already opened the car door and released the handbrake. There was no key in the car, but this was as expected by Xiao Qiang. This is Li Feng's favorite sports car. How could he leave the keys and place them randomly? However, Xiao Qiang didn't care. Anyway, with his own strength, it was not difficult to push the car to the gap in the wall.

"What is he doing? He actually scratched the glass of Master Li's sports car, which is Master Li's favorite sports car. You know, last time a child accidentally touched the car, and it was all caused by Li The young master was beaten up by someone." When people from Company M saw what Xiao Qiang did, some people started to exclaim.

"This kid just came here. He didn't know that it was Master Li Feng's sports car. He actually destroyed Master Li Feng's sports car to block the gap in the wall." Someone else said.

"This man is too stupid. Although it is true that he is very strong, he is going to provoke Young Master Li Feng as soon as he enters the base. You know, even if he can lead everyone to resist this zombie attack, he is still not the best. He will be reused by Company M." Someone else said on behalf of Xiao Qiang.

However, Xiao Qiang didn't care about this, closed the door, ran to the back of the car, pushed the car towards the gap in the wall, and started pushing hard.

In fact, according to Xiao Qiang's level 8 strength, he could lift the car and throw it into the gap in the wall. But Xiao Qiang couldn't reveal his strength, so he pushed the sports car from behind and ran towards the gap in the wall. Along the way, zombies ran towards Xiao Qiang from time to time, even blocking the front of the sports car. However, in the face of Xiao Qiang's powerful force, he directly knocked away the approaching zombies and successfully blocked the car into the gap.

Wu Shan was commanding from behind, while holding a machine gun and firing continuously at the zombie group. Seeing Xiao Qiang destroying Li Feng's sports car and pushing it into the gap, he also laughed and couldn't help laughing. In fact, everyone already hated the fact that Li Feng drove a sports car. Because he drove a sports car, the base was attacked by zombie groups many times. But due to the strength of the people in Company M, it was hard to say much. Now, Xiao Qiang's actions undoubtedly gave everyone in the base a sigh of relief.

Wu Shan also smiled knowingly, waved his hand to the people in the legion in front, and said: "You guys, follow me and block all the remaining cars into the gap in the wall. Hurry up, the zombies will be released soon. They all ran in. The remaining people continued to stand here and shoot at the zombies."

Wu Shan's words were naturally heard by the people in Company M, making them think that he was really trying to use the car to plug the gap.

Soon, with the joint action of everyone, Li Feng's pickup trucks, cars, etc. were all pushed into the gap in the wall.

Xiao Qiang ran to the distance and shouted to people: "Everyone, get out of the way."

After speaking, Xiao Qiang saw that the crowd was almost evacuated, and he picked up a machine gun from the ground. It has to be said that the base in the urban area was indeed built by members of the Legion. It has so many machine guns and bullets that Xiao Qiang is extremely envious.

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