Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 338 Gift of a Dagger (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"What did you say? A new kid blew up my favorite sports car to fight zombies?" Li Feng was furious, and he threw a delicate crystal teacup heavily to the ground. He looked at the people standing in front of him and asked.

"Yes, there were a lot of zombies last night, and then this kid pushed all the cars to the gap in the wall and blew them up to block the gap." The leader replied.

"You ignorant bastard, have you found out his strength and where he came from?" Li Feng continued to ask.

"I found out that he is a level 4 strong man who was injured and came to our base. Now, he was assigned to Brother Xuan to be responsible for the first round of guard work." The subordinate told Li Feng the information he had.

"The strength of a level 4 strong man, then it is still useful to the base, but he blew up my sports car, so we can't just let it go. You guys, go beat him up, at least give him some injuries." Li Feng thought for a while and said to the few people.

Several people looked at each other. They didn't expect that because of a sports car, even a strong man of level 4 would be beaten casually. However, Li Zhong loved Li Feng too much, otherwise he would not send a strong man of level 4 to be his thug.

After hesitating for a while, several people still said to Li Feng: "Yes." Then, they went out to find Xiao Qiang.

Over there, after Xiao Qiang said something to Wu Shan, he also felt a little tired. He was going to go back to the room to eat something and sleep, and then prepare for the rescue operation.

Just after turning the road, Xiao Qiang saw 4 or 5 big men walking towards him. Seeing their aggressive appearance, Xiao Qiang already understood that these people must be the thugs sent by Li Feng.

"Stop, are you the new one?" The leader, the strong man of level 4, asked Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang curled his lips helplessly. When he was about to answer, he saw a man coming out from the side, with a wicked smile on his face and playing with a dagger in his hand. The man was Liu Xuan.

"Don't worry about this guy, go back." Liu Xuan said to the big men.

"Brother Xuan, Master Li Feng sent us here, this..." The big man explained to Liu Xuan with an embarrassed look.

"I said, get out of here!" Liu Xuan still maintained that evil smile, but turned around and faced the leader, the strong man of level 4. After getting close to the big man's face, he said in an unquestionable tone.

"Yes, yes, Brother Xuan." The leading big man was also a strong man of level 4, but after hearing Liu Xuan's words, he didn't even dare to resist, so he kept saying it and left quickly with the rest of the people.

After seeing those big men leave, Liu Xuan turned his head and looked at Xiao Qiang, with that evil smile on his face.

Playing with the dagger in his hand, he looked at Xiao Qiang and said, "Look, what do you think of my dagger?"

"The surface is smooth, the blade is sharp, and the whole dagger is exquisite in both shape and length. It will definitely be able to exert its power in Brother Xuan's hands." Xiao Qiang didn't even think about it and complimented Liu Xuan.

"Hmph, you are so smooth-talking. I saw that you were pretty good at playing with the dagger last night. Come on, compete with me." Liu Xuan said to Xiao Qiang.

"My little kung fu is good for dealing with others, but I can't beat Brother Xuan. Of course, I got this Meifeng dagger by chance, and I can fight well because of the sharpness of this dagger. However, after learning that Brother Xuan also used a dagger, I decided to give the dagger to Brother Xuan." As he spoke, Xiao Qiang took out the Meifeng dagger from his arms and handed it to Liu Xuan.

When Liu Xuan said that he wanted to compete with him, Xiao Qiang knew that Liu Xuan had set his sights on his dagger. Xiao Qiang couldn't possibly compete with Liu Xuan, not because he couldn't beat him, but because he didn't want to expose his strength.

So, Xiao Qiang gave the dagger directly to Liu Xuan. Of course, Xiao Qiang couldn't hand over the bone spur dagger because it had Bai Lu's inscription on it. However, even if Xiao Qiang could temporarily give the Meifeng dagger to Liu Xuan, he had the confidence to take it back later.

"Haha, you have a good eye, seeing that your dagger is black all over, and the tip of the dagger is so sharp that it can blow off hair, it is a good dagger. In that case, I will accept this dagger." Liu Xuan laughed and said.

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