Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 339 Physical Attributes (Ask for bookshelf!)

Xiao Qiang smiled. It seemed that even a person with such a personality as Liu Xuan liked to be flattered by others and also liked to receive gifts. A dagger made him so happy. If he knew that he had an even more powerful Thousand Chance Umbrella, he would definitely be even more surprised.

"That's natural. This dagger was prepared for Brother Xuan. Only Brother Xuan's strength can bring out the full potential of this dagger." Xiao Qiang put the dagger into Liu Xuan's hand without leaving any trace, and said to Liu Xuan said.

Seeing Liu Xuan smile, Xiao Qiang continued: "Brother Xuan, I'm a little tired after fighting zombies all night. Do you think of today's patrol mission?"

"Okay, feel free to go back to your house and rest today. I will send someone to deliver food to you at noon." Liu Xuan patted Xiao Qiang's shoulder in a rare moment and said to Xiao Qiang.

Because even Liu Xuan could see that Xiao Qiang's treasure dagger was not comparable to his dagger, so he was so happy.

After handing the dagger to Liu Xuan and Meifeng, Xiao Qiang returned to his room and planned to check its current attributes.

"Xiao Cong, help me check my current attributes." Xiao Qiang entered the system and said.

"Host: Xiao Qiang Physical fitness: 1300 (ordinary adult is 50) Physical strength: 1300 (ordinary adult is 50)

Possessed skills: Wolf Step (entry level: proficiency 87/100), Thunder Claw (entry level: proficiency 21/100) Assault (entry level: proficiency 24/100) Shattering Palm (entry level: proficiency 57 /100) Crazy Dragon Sword Technique (entry level: proficiency 2/100) Eight-door Dunjia - four doors open (Table Lianhua)

Mall permissions: Level 1 (can only buy some low-level weapons, medicines, food, etc.) Open lottery permissions Level 1 (224/500)

Comprehensive evaluation: Strong Level 8. Strength value: 7700/10000, experience value: 34000/100000, exchange points: 40000 points.

It has a Bone Spur Dagger, Thousand Chance Umbrella, Bounce Shoes, Breeze Armor, Breeze Knee Pads, 5x Violent Pill, and 3x Violent Pill. "

Xiao Cong didn't say much, just displayed Xiao Qiang's system on the panel.

Xiao Qiang took a look and found that in addition to a suit of armor, there was also a 5x Violent Pill and a 3x Violent Pill. Although he didn't know what level of strength that Mr. Wu was, Xiao Qiang was confident that with two pills and one skill, he could compete with Mr. Wu.

But from this point of view, I still have a little bit of treasure in my body, especially things like Violent Pill, which can not only be used by myself but also used by my teammates. The most important thing is that there are no side effects. After upgrading to the super power level, you should be able to open the second level mall. Then it would be nice to buy some of these items and give some to the strong people around you. This would arouse Xiao Qiang's desire to upgrade quickly.

Feeling a wave of sleepiness coming on, Xiao Qiang yawned, then lay on the bed and fell asleep, recharging his energy and waiting for the night rescue mission.

He slept until noon. When he heard someone knocking on the door, Xiao Qiang yawned and got up from the bed. When he opened the door, he found that two boys were bringing food to Xiao Qiang.

Putting the food on the table, Xiao Qiang took a look at the food and said, "Wow," Liu Xuan was quite generous. He had a roast leg of lamb, a bowl of rice, a carton of milk, stir-fried vegetables, and another one from the supermarket. Obtained vacuum packed pig trotters. It seems that there should be a place similar to a breeding factory in this urban area, otherwise where would these lamb legs come from?

Xiao Qiang didn't think much about it. Since it was delivered to him, he ate it without any ceremony. He just needed to spend some energy at night. As for poisoning, Xiao Qiang is not worried at all. When the zombies first broke out, he had already obtained the anti-toxic constitution given by the system.

After drinking and eating, there was nothing to do. When Xiao Qiang was about to go back to sleep, "dong dong dong", someone knocked on the door again.

"Please come in." Xiao Qiang said politely.

The visitor turned out to be Sister Rourou, wearing jeans and a white T-shirt. Her plump figure also filled the clothes. Maybe because she was going out, Sister Rourou also dressed conservatively. The ugly mask was still on her face, and a drop of abscess flowed down the acne mark on her face. I don’t know how Sister Rourou made the mask. Even the abscess was designed.

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