Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 340 Goodbye Sister Rourou (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"Sister Rourou, you are a rare guest. Please take a seat. Why are you here?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"I have something very important to ask you. You must tell me the truth." However, Sister Rourou did not sit down. Instead, she said in a serious manner.

"Oh, okay, ask, Sister Rourou. I will tell you what I know." Xiao Qiang said.

Sister Rourou sat down close to Xiao Qiang and looked at him. At such a close distance, Xiao Qiang could clearly smell the perfume on Sister Rourou and see her plump upper body.

"Xiao Qiang, what is your real level? And what position do you hold in your base?" Sister Rourou looked at Xiao Qiang seriously and asked.

"My level? Why does Sister Rourou suddenly care about my level?" Xiao Qiang asked with some doubts.

"Yes, it's your level." Sister Rourou said anxiously, and her body moved closer to Xiao Qiang.

Maybe Sister Rourou also felt anxious, so she moved aside, calmed down, and said to Xiao Qiang in a gentle tone: "It's like this, I saw your skill when you went upstairs yesterday, which is definitely not something a Level 4 strongman can do. If I fight against M Company with you, I have to make sure that you are strong enough. You know, even children know that you can't mess with people from M Company."

"Oh? It seems that Sister Rourou didn't plan to cooperate with me before, so why are you planning to fight against M Company with me now?" Xiao Qiang smiled, and didn't answer Sister Rourou's question directly, but said to Sister Rourou in the face of her gaze.

"I originally planned not to stay in this base, but I didn't have such high hopes for you. I saw you show off your skills last night and knew that you were strong." Sister Rourou said.

Xiao Qiang nodded and motioned Sister Rourou to continue.

"Besides, seeing that you have contacted Wu Shan, and even the people from Tongjiang Base did not come to the meeting, I am determined to follow you to the base. This is my real idea. So, can you tell me now, what level are you at?" Sister Rourou looked at Xiao Qiang sincerely and said.

Xiao Qiang smiled. If Sister Rourou helped Xiao Qiang just because of Miaomiao, and went against the people of M Company, then Xiao Qiang would still be a little worried. Now that he heard what Sister Rourou said, Xiao Qiang naturally understood Sister Rourou's intentions and wanted to make sure whether his side had the strength to go against M Company, especially as a person who had contact with Sister Rourou.

"Sure, I am a strong man at level 8. And Longshan Base was established by me. There are also several strong men in the base. Together with the strong men of Tongjiang Base, it can definitely compete with M Base here. Sister Rourou, do you know who the strong men of M Base are?" Xiao Qiang replied.

"Because I'm a doctor, I can go to many places. As far as I know, there are only five top people left who came to the base with Li Zhong, including Wu Lao, Zhang Jun, Liu Xuan, Yang En who is in charge of the Black Gold Exchange, and Cheng Wen who is in charge of your parents in the basement. The rest were either dealt with by the demons in the city or killed by zombies. Among them, Wu Lao is the strongest, but his specific level is unknown. However, among those younger brothers, there are also many strong and supernatural level characters, but their levels are not particularly high." Sister Rourou said slowly to Xiao Qiang.

"Yeah, I have seen the other few, and there is no problem dealing with them, except Cheng Wen who is in charge of my parents, and Wu Lao." Xiao Qiang looked at Sister Rourou and said thoughtfully.

"Seeing you say that, I can relax a little. By the way, when I arrive at your base in the future, can you guarantee that I will not be violated even if I don't wear a mask? Can you guarantee that your base will not be like the base now?" Sister Rourou looked at Xiao Qiang and asked with big eyes.

"This is our base, and you are welcome to join it. I can absolutely guarantee that in my base, no one will dare to force you to do those things. In addition, what I am curious about is that Sister Rourou, you are a person with level 4 superpowers, so are you still afraid of them?" Xiao Qiang said seriously to Sister Rourou.

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