Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 341 Sister Rourou returns home (ask for the bookshelf!)

"Because I don't want to take the risk of going against M Company, and then I have to worry about my safety when I arrive at the new base. In the end times, as a woman, I just want to find a safe place where I can live with peace of mind. Obviously, it is not so safe here in Lujiang Base, otherwise I don't have to wear a mask." Sister Rourou also smiled at Xiao Qiang, stood up and said.

"Don't worry, the people in our base are very good, and you will definitely like them when you arrive at the base. Also, after arriving at the base, Sister Rourou, are you willing to continue your business? Our base is still short of a doctor, right?" Xiao Qiang stood up and said to Sister Rourou.

"Okay, no problem, then I'll go back first, and I can't be out for too long, so tonight will proceed according to the plan." Sister Rourou followed Xiao Qiang and said, then opened the door and walked out of the house.

"Okay, Sister Rourou, actually you look good in jeans." Xiao Qiang looked at Sister Rourou's back and said.

Sister Rourou walked out, stretched out her white palm, waved to Xiao Qiang, and walked towards her room.

After Sister Rourou left, Xiao Qiang finally felt relieved about her. His base had always lacked a doctor. Now it seemed that as long as he could defeat M Company, he could let Sister Rourou, a versatile doctor of medicine, join the base.

After lying on the bed, Xiao Qiang couldn't sleep, so he just lay on the bed and began to calculate the strength of the two sides.

First, the combat power of M Company. I don't know the level of Mr. Wu, but his strength must be very strong, and he may even reach the awakening level. There are two strong men at level 7, Liu Xuan and Zhang Jun. There is also Yang En who guards the Black Gold Exchange. Xiao Qiang has scanned him with his eyes and found him to be a strong man with supernatural power level 8. As for Cheng Wen, who guards his parents, Xiao Qiang has not met him yet, but if he wants to rescue his parents, he will definitely meet him tonight.

In addition to these top five combat forces, Xiao Qiang saw that there were about 300 younger brothers belonging to M Company. Of course, there were also some mutants, such as Li Feng's younger brother and the big man Xiao Qiang met when he entered the door. They were well-equipped and had sufficient ammunition.

Of course, Li Zhong, as sent by M Company, would inevitably have some medicines or equipment. Xiao Qiang always felt that this M Company could suddenly rise in the end of the world with so many strong people, which was very powerful and mysterious.

As for the strength on his side, first of all, it was a group of people from his Longshan base, Xiao Qiang, a strong man at level 8, and Lin Fei, a strong man at level 7. This was also the top combat force of Longshan base. Of course, there were also Lin Bingyan, Wang Lei, Liu Jie, Wang Peng and others, but their levels were too low, and they probably couldn't beat the top combat forces of M Company. As for Li Ke and Li Chong, Xiao Qiang was still punishing them for not being allowed to step out of the base, so they would not come to participate in the battle this time.

Next is the combat power of Lujiang Base and Tongjiang Base. There is only one injured brother Han left in Lujiang Base, who is a level 9 warrior. Otherwise, Wu Shan, who is just an ordinary person, would not be responsible for leading the remaining legion. As for Tongjiang Base, because there are no people from M Company, there are 3 top strengths, including Huang Ri, who is a level 8 warrior, Qiao Tong, who is a level 6 supernatural power, and Wu Shan's brother, who is a level 6 warrior.

As for the others, Longshan Base has limited ammunition, so this time it can send 100 people to participate in the battle, but because they have not received professional training, they only select strong people. Lujiang Base has 300 people, and Tongjiang Base has more people, with 500 people from the original legion who can participate in the battle.

Judging from the lineup alone, Xiao Qiang is still at a disadvantage, after all, a top combat power cannot be made up by those younger brothers. Of course, their biggest reliance is Xiao Qiang. Judging from his level, Xiao Qiang is not really that strong, but now Xiao Qiang is in the dark, and the power he can exert is more than his current level. Therefore, in this battle, Xiao Qiang, after upgrading, dares to fight with the people of M Company.

While thinking, Xiao Qiang found that the sky was gradually getting dark. Because he had talked to Liu Xuan, Xiao Qiang didn't have to worry about not going on patrol.

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