Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 342 Meeting the Parents (Ask for the bookshelf!)

Feeling a little hungry, Xiao Qiang took out some things from the system. After reaching the 8th level of the strong, Xiao Qiang's strength has been upgraded a lot, but the light has also become bigger.

After dinner, taking advantage of the night, Xiao Qiang prepared to go to the basement that Sister Rourou told him to rescue his parents.

Xiao Qiang also exchanged a set of black sportswear and a black mask from the system to prevent being discovered by others during the rescue process.

Now, Xiao Qiang's location belongs to the second circle, and his parents are imprisoned in a building in the first circle.

Xiao Qiang quietly opened the door, looked around, and saw that there was no one around, so he hid his body in the night.

Relying on Xiao Qiang's strength, he easily avoided the patrol personnel of M Company all the way. Moreover, Wu Shan had already agreed with the people of the legion, so these people of the legion also deliberately looked for people from M Company to chat and drink to attract their attention tonight.

When Xiao Qiang was walking quietly along the wall, suddenly, a drunk man came out to urinate and saw Xiao Qiang and his outfit. When he was about to ask, Xiao Qiang jumped and took out a crossbow from the system. With a light thrust in his hand, he killed the younger brother.

"Ding, kill an ordinary human, experience +10, exchange points +10."

After killing the younger brother, Xiao Qiang did not dare to be careless and avoided the first circle more cautiously. Since most of the people in the legion are not qualified to enter the first circle, after entering the first circle, Xiao Qiang can only rely on himself, and there is no one in the legion to cover Xiao Qiang.

So, Xiao Qiang jumped lightly and jumped directly onto the roof. Since the power supply in the first circle is still sufficient, the first circle looks brighter.

Xiao Qiang walked carefully all the way and finally arrived at the building pointed out by Sister Rourou without any danger.

It was a single-story warehouse, with only two floors, but it seemed to occupy a large area.

The whole building was pitch black, forming a sharp contrast with the bright buildings next to it. It didn't look like anyone lived there, and there was not even a guard next to it.

Looking around, Xiao Qiang saw that there was no one around, only a team of patrolmen smoking and chatting under the lights in the distance.

Xiao Qiang pushed open the door of the building, and the room was pitch black, but because Xiao Qiang had a pair of night market eyes, it was no big deal for Xiao Qiang. This floor looked like two large warehouses, surrounded by the kind of thick glass that can be seen in a single layer, and it didn't look like anyone lived there.

Following the stairs, Xiao Qiang went down to the basement. With a "puff", Xiao Qiang's footsteps caused the voice-controlled lights in the basement to light up. The dim light was flickering, and the illuminated basement looked particularly deserted.

Following the light, Xiao Qiang saw a house. The door had been removed, but it had been welded with iron bars. There were two old people lying on the cold ground. There were obvious scars on their faces and bodies. It was unknown whether they were unconscious or asleep.

Standing in the corridor, Xiao Qiang had tears flowing down his cheeks. His eyes were full of heartache and anger.

The two people in the prison were Xiao Qiang's parents. Xiao Qiang hurried to the prison. In nearly 5 months, his parents had become much thinner and their faces looked particularly pale.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang was already in a state of anger. He pulled the iron railing with both hands and bent it, leaving a large gap.

After entering the prison, Xiao Qiang picked up his parents, wiped the mud off their faces, and gently shook them and shouted: "Mom and Dad, wake up, wake up, it's me, I'm Qiangzi."

Xiao Qiang's parents were beaten by Li Feng and others, and they were hungry for a long time, so they fainted for a while. Moreover, Li Feng didn't dare to kill Xiao Qiang's parents, after all, he had to use their lives to exchange Xiao Qiang's life.

After being shaken by Xiao Qiang, Xiao Qiang's parents slowly opened their eyes, and when they saw Xiao Qiang, they blinked in disbelief.

Xiao Qiang's mother saw Xiao Qiang, reached out and touched Xiao Qiang's face, and said weakly: "Qiangzi, is it really you? Is it really you? Qiangzi."

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