Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 343: Telling the reason (ask for the bookshelf!)

"Mom, it's me, it's me, I'm here to save you. Xiao Qiang looked at his mother, tears kept falling, and he said to his mother while sobbing.

"Qiangzi, you're still alive, this is really great, mom thought she wouldn't see you again." Xiao Qiang's mother was also very excited, hugged Xiao Qiang and said.

"Mom, I'm still alive, and I've built a special safe place. This time I'm here to save you and take you there together." Xiao Qiang wiped his tears and looked at Xiao Qiang and said.

"Qiangzi, why do you feel stronger, and how did you get here? The people here are not good people, and does that person have a grudge against you? Is it dangerous for you to break in like this? There are many people with guns here, and many powerful people." Xiao Qiang's father also observed Xiao Qiang and asked.

"Mom and Dad, this is not a place to talk, I'll take you out first, and when we get to a safe place, I'll tell you everything that happened in the past few months. "As he spoke, Xiao Qiang helped his parents up.

"Mom, I'll carry you." Xiao Qiang saw that his mother was still a little weak, so he said to her.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang squatted down, and without waiting for his mother to refuse, he slowly carried his mother on his back. On the other side, he supported his father with one hand.

"Qiangzi, you have grown taller and stronger in the past few months. There are monsters outside, so you must have suffered a lot." Xiao Qiang's mother climbed on Xiao Qiang's back and said to Xiao Qiang.

Hearing his mother's words, Xiao Qiang's tears kept rolling in his eyes. The two of them had suffered so much, but they still cared about him when they met, and asked him if he was doing well.

"Mom, don't worry, I've been doing well in the past few months. I have food and drink. Moreover, I have built a base with a group of people in Longshan Park opposite our village, called Longshan Base. There are quite a few people there now, and everyone is very friendly. "Xiao Qiang walked outside with his parents and said to them.

"Really? I'm glad you didn't suffer. Your parents will be relieved if you didn't suffer. You can't lie to your parents." Xiao Qiang's father stood aside and followed Xiao Qiang out and said.

"Of course, otherwise I can't eat so much and be so tall and strong. Besides, Xiao Chong and Aunt Wang are also in that base. At that time, I went to the village to look for you. I didn't find you, but I met Xiao Chong and others. I heard from them that you came to the city. It's all my fault. I should have come to the city base to look for you earlier." Xiao Qiang carried his mother on his back and supported his father, and was careful and alert to the surrounding situation.

"We were worried about your situation at the time. We happened to see people from the legion going to the village. We thought you might be in the city base, so we followed you to the city base. Unexpectedly, we met a man named Li Feng who said he knew you. . . "Xiao Qiang's mother lay on Xiao Qiang's back and happily followed Xiao Qiang's talk.

"Alas, why tell your son these things? The most important thing now is that Qiangzi is fine. Our family of three is reunited again." Xiao Qiang's father interrupted his mother and replied to the two of them.

"Yeah, I feel so relieved that you two are fine. Mom and Dad, we are about to leave the building. Now this base is still in the hands of their people in the city. Keep quiet and follow me closely. I will take you two to find a place to hide first." Seeing that they had reached the door of the building, Xiao Qiang whispered to the two of them.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, the two of them naturally understood the situation of the city base. Although they didn't know what kind of strength Xiao Qiang was now, they were willing to follow Xiao Qiang out now.

Xiao Qiang carried his mother on his back and looked around outside the building. After finding that there was no one nearby, he waved to his father and prepared to escape from the building.

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