Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 344: Strong Level 9 Guard (Ask for bookshelf!)

Just as he was about to go out, Xiao Qiang suddenly felt a fierce attack from behind. Since he was carrying his mother and supporting his father, Xiao Qiang could not rely on his reaction speed to dodge to the side as usual.

He turned around and blocked his parents behind him, with his chest facing forward, and was hit hard.

Xiao Qiang felt a huge force coming from his chest. He took two steps back and stepped down hard to stabilize his body.

Xiao Qiang, who turned around, also saw the man's face clearly. He had long hair and beard, and his hair was fluffy and scattered. His clothes were also dirty and messy. He was unkempt, wearing a pair of leaky hiking shoes on his feet, and dressed like a beggar. The weapon in his hand was a heavy black and gold spear, which was extremely black without any decoration.

While taking the blow from that person, Xiao Qiang had already turned on the double-eye recognition scanning function and scanned the person.

"Ding, a strong level 9 human was found."

It seems that this person is the Cheng Wen that Sister Rourou mentioned. The strength of a strong level 9 is indeed extraordinary. If I don't bring my parents with me, I must compete with him tonight. It would be best if I can kill him here, so that there will be one less enemy tomorrow.

That person is indeed Cheng Wen. Because of his introverted personality, he likes to live alone on the first floor of this building. It happened that he was sent here by Li Zhong to guard Xiao Qiang's parents. Just now, when Xiao Qiang went down to the basement, he had already found Xiao Qiang with his agile hearing of a strong level 9. So, he stood up and waited for Xiao Qiang to come up from the basement in the darkness on the first floor.

After seeing Xiao Qiang carrying his parents up, Cheng Wen knew that this person was here to rescue Xiao Qiang's parents. He immediately clenched the black gold spear in his hand, and without saying a word, he rushed towards Xiao Qiang's back at a very fast speed. Unexpectedly, with a "clang" sound, a crisp metal collision sound was made, and Xiao Qiang's chest was immediately sparked. The solid and sharp black gold spear did not pierce Xiao Qiang's chest.

However, Cheng Wen soon realized that the man in front of him must be wearing a treasure similar to armor, but he did not expect that he could withstand the full force of his black gold spear. Xiao Qiang was wearing the Qingfeng armor, which was also an intermediate item, so it was not surprising that it could block this attack.

Although the Qingfeng armor on his chest resisted this attack, Xiao Qiang still felt a little sweet in his throat, and a stream of blood was about to spit out of his mouth, but Xiao Qiang still forced himself to hold it back.

The whole process happened very quickly. With his parents here, Xiao Qiang didn't want to get too entangled with Cheng Wen. He took out three smoke bombs from the system and threw them at Cheng Wen. He carried his mother on his back and relied on his powerful strength. He picked up his father with his other hand. Seeing Cheng Wen attacking again, he dodged to the side and ran away at full speed.

Cheng Wen missed his attack and saw Xiao Qiang running away. Just as he was about to chase Xiao Qiang, the three smoke bombs had already spread and covered the surroundings.

Cheng Wen didn't need to say anything himself. The patrols had already run over when they heard the noise here.

"Go and chase them quickly. Someone is coming to rescue people. Search the entire base and guard the gate." Cheng Wen stretched out his hand to fan the smoke in front of him and ordered the patrols.

The patrol captain heard Cheng Wen's words, took out something like a walkie-talkie, and said, "All patrol personnel, someone broke into the base, search the base immediately, close the gate, and be vigilant to prevent people from escaping."

As he spoke, the patrol team members did not dare to delay, and led the people, holding guns, and began to patrol along the base.

Cheng Wen held his black gold spear, came out of the smoke, jumped onto a tall building, and began to look around, but there was no trace of Xiao Qiang.

Cheng Wen snorted coldly, and then he held his black gold spear and walked towards the building where Li Zhong and his son were, ready to report the situation here to them.

"This is the situation. The man should be strong, but he is masked, and he should have a defensive armor on his body, and it seems that he can take objects out of thin air, and the speed is also very fast." Cheng Wen sat on the sofa and said to Li Zhong who was sitting opposite.

It must be said that Cheng Wen is worthy of the strength of a strong man at level 9, and his eyesight is really good.

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