Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 345 Depressed Cheng Wen (Ask for bookshelf!)

Just now, in the crisis, Xiao Qiang did not choose to hide too much, pretending to take out smoke bombs from his clothes as usual, but stretched out his hand, took out 3 smoke bombs from the system, and threw them at Cheng Wen. Unexpectedly, in such a dark environment, Cheng Wen could still notice such details.

"That person must be Xiao Qiang, and Xiao Qiang must have come to this base. Dad, send someone over quickly to strengthen the defense of our building and don't let Xiao Qiang succeed." Before Li Zhong answered, Li Feng jumped up from the boss chair on the other side, rushed in front of the two and spoke.

Li Feng originally sat far away because he disliked the bad smell on Cheng Wen.

Ever since he was beaten by the furious Xiao Qiang last time, he has developed a fear of Xiao Qiang in his heart. Moreover, he now controls Xiao Qiang's parents, so he is afraid that Xiao Qiang will retaliate against him after he appears and beat him up again like last time.

"Xiao Feng, calm down. Don't be anxious. We have so many strong people here. Even if Xiao Qiang comes, what can he do?" Li Zhong turned his head to look at his son, shook his head and persuaded him patiently.

"Are you sure it's him? I have seen in the upper city that M Company has developed a ring that can store items, which can also take things out of thin air. How did Xiao Qiang get in? Our base has three layers of defense. It is impossible for him to come in so quietly. Or did he sneak into the base early?" Li Zhong said to Cheng Wen thoughtfully.

"I don't know. If there are people who have entered the base recently, we can check it out." Cheng Wen looked at Li Zhong and suggested.

"Yes, send someone to check it out quickly. You can't even look at a person. You lost the person. Search the base carefully. You must be responsible for finding the person back." Li Feng looked a little excited. He jumped over and pointed at Cheng Wen and said.

Although Cheng Wen looked a little sloppy in his attire, his cultivation was indeed at the level 9 of the strong. At this moment, he was being taught a lesson by Li Feng, a young man with no strength. He was about to get angry and frowned. The terrifying aura on his body spread out. If Li Zhong was not present, Li Feng would definitely be beaten by Cheng Wen.

"Xiao Feng, don't be rude." Li Zhong saw this and quickly stopped Li Feng and scolded him.

Hearing Li Zhong's words, Cheng Wen restrained his aura a little. Li Feng was frightened by Cheng Wen and didn't dare to say anything more.

"Thank you for your help. If that man is so powerful, the people in the patrol team may not be able to stop him. I'm afraid you will need to take action to stop him. It's hard work." Li Zhong looked at Cheng Wen and said to him sincerely.

"Well, I will take people to search. I guess that person can't go far. Besides, he was stabbed by me. He must not dare to run away easily with two people." Cheng Wen felt a little embarrassed that two people were rescued from his hands, so he spoke up.

After speaking, Cheng Wen turned and went out, took the patrol team members, and went to find Xiao Qiang with his black and gold spear.

"Xiao Feng, how many times have I told you not to be so rude to these people? They are all powerful people, not your subordinates. You must be polite to them." Li Zhong stood up and persuaded Li Feng loudly after seeing Cheng Wen leave the door.

"I know, Dad. But if Xiao Qiang's parents are rescued, what can I use to threaten him tomorrow? And he will definitely not dare to come tomorrow." Li Feng looked at Li Zhong with a wronged face and asked.

When Li Zhong saw Li Feng's appearance, he softened his heart again. After all, he was his only son. He patiently persuaded him earnestly, "Xiao Feng, after we have a meeting with the people from Tongjiang Base tomorrow, we will be heading to the next-level city. There are two demons from the city here, and this base is not safe. When we get to the next-level city, tell your uncle and send strong men over. Isn't it a small matter to deal with Xiao Qiang?"

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