Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 350 Everyone will come together (ask for the bookshelf!)

"Wu Shan and his men should have already started the action. Let's hurry over to meet them. My base should have sent a car here. Let's send you and the people back to Longshan Base first. Thank you, Sister Rourou. Thanks for your help today." Xiao Qiang stood up and said to Sister Rourou gratefully.

"Then you should really thank me. When you get to the base, please arrange a bigger and safer room for me." Sister Rourou smiled and said to Xiao Qiang.

"That's no problem. Let's hurry over to the third circle now. After you go out, everyone should pay attention to safety. If you meet someone from M Company, you should hurry over to the third circle and I will deal with that person." Xiao Qiang told the three people.

Several people nodded. Xiao Qiang walked in front, holding the bone spur dagger tightly. With his night vision eyes, he hid when he saw the patrolling personnel in advance. Under Xiao Qiang's leadership, several people quickly reached the tent position of the third circle.

"Who are you? Stop!" As soon as they stepped into the third circle, some corps members in camouflage uniforms rushed out of a tent with flashlights and said to them.

These people were arranged by Wu Shan to prevent those from M Company from suddenly rushing over. At this moment, after hearing the noise, they also rushed out with machine guns and surrounded the few people, and asked in a low voice.

"It's me, I'm Xiao Qiang." Xiao Qiang took a step forward and said to the corps members with a smile.

"Oh, it's Brother Qiang, you are finally here, Brother Wu Shan has been waiting for you for a while." Wu Shan had already greeted everyone, so when they saw that the person coming was Xiao Qiang, everyone said to Xiao Qiang so easily.

"Yeah, sorry, there are many patrols in M ​​Company, so just in case, I came a little late, and kept the brothers waiting for a long time. Where is Wu Shan now?" Xiao Qiang smiled slightly and said to everyone with a little apology.

On the one hand, the people in the army respected Xiao Qiang because of his strong strength and the fact that he was the leader of Longshan Base. On the other hand, they did not expect Xiao Qiang to be so humble and polite to everyone he met. Moreover, he was the first to rush into the zombie group last night. Therefore, the people in the army had a very good impression of Xiao Qiang.

"Hey, Brother Qiang, you are so polite. We are very grateful that your Longshan Base is willing to let us live there. Brother Wu Shan is at the main gate with the brothers of Longshan Base, helping the people get on the bus?" The man smiled, scratched his head awkwardly, and said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang nodded, smiled and gestured to everyone, and then led Sister Rourou and others to the main gate.

"Xiao Qiang, you are finally here. If you don't come again, I will go to the second circle to find you." Wu Shan ran over and said to Xiao Qiang from a distance.

"Brother Qiang, our base has sent 6 trucks and 50 people this time." Wang Peng also came over and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Xiao Qiang, this is the uncle and aunt, right? Who is this?" Lin Bingyan saw Xiao Qiang's parents and hurriedly asked Xiao Qiang.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time. Yes, this is my parents, and this is the doctor of the base, who is also going to our base together." Xiao Qiang blinked at Lin Bingyan and spoke to everyone.

"Then I will take the uncle and aunt to the car first, and you can discuss what to do next?" Lin Bingyan was a little shy when she saw Xiao Qiang's parents, and said to Xiao Qiang.

After speaking, seeing Xiao Qiang nodded, Lin Bingyan also walked towards the direction of the truck with the three of them.

"Girl, how old are you this year?"

"Xiao Ni'er is really pretty? Where is your home?"

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang could hear his mother following Lin Bingyan towards the truck from a distance, asking about Lin Bingyan's situation all the way, and Lin Bingyan responded shyly. It seems that no matter what time it is, parents are very concerned about their children's marriage.

Hearing the conversation between Xiao Qiang's parents, Wu Shan and Wang Peng couldn't help but cover their mouths and laugh, while Xiao Qiang scratched his head in embarrassment.

"You are so lucky, there is such a beautiful woman who likes you, you are really a good boy." Wu Shan is also in his 30s, and because of his military service, he is usually carefree.

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