Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 351: Half a Truck of Ammunition (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"Hehe, okay, okay, okay," Xiao Qiang said humbly.

"How are the people being transferred now? Have they all gotten on the train?"

Xiao Qiang changed the subject and asked Wu Shan.

"Yeah, all the brothers have already got on the bus. Now I'm waiting for you to make arrangements. Let's see what we should do next?" Wu Shan replied.

"How's it going at home? Has Brother Liang made arrangements for the resettlement of these people at home?" Xiao Qiang turned to look at Wang Peng and said.

"Hmm, after waiting for your notice, we have already started cleaning up. We have been to the county in the past two days and got some food back, so we don't have to worry about food for the time being. As for the place to live, it is the same as the people who came to the Black Wind Base at that time. , I have wronged them to live in the cafeteria, and they have been cleaned up." Wang Peng reported the situation to Xiao Qiang in detail.

"Thank you for your hard work. Let's go and take a look first." Xiao Qiang nodded and said to the two of them.

While talking, the three of them arrived in front of the motorcade. Xiao Qiang saw that nearly 500 people had already arrived on the truck. The remaining 300 people from the legion and 50 people from the Longshan base were standing aside, waiting for Xiao Qiang and Wu Shan to give their next instructions. .

Xiao Qiang noticed that on one of the trucks there was half a truckload of arms, machine gun bullets and the like.

"Brother Shan, what are these arms?" Xiao Qiang turned to Wu Shan and asked.

"These are the remaining guns and ammunition from when we had a lot of people. Now that there are fewer people, they have been kept in the warehouse here. Anyway, now we are going to become a base, so we will pull them over together and treat it as ours." It’s a meeting gift.” Wu Shan smoked a cigarette and said to Xiao Qiang.

"That's great. You know what our Longshan base lacks most is these gadgets. Thank you very much, Brother Shan. Now our base can become a lot stronger." Xiao Qiang looked a little excited and happy. He said to Wu Shan.

In fact, Xiao Qiang had already discovered these arms when he was fighting zombies last night. They were randomly placed in the warehouse at the urban base. To them, these arms were not that important at all. At that time, Xiao Qiang was thinking that he could bring these guns back to Longshan Base, but he was too embarrassed to speak. Unexpectedly, now Wu Shan took the initiative to bring these arms back, and Xiao Qiang was naturally very happy.

Wu Shan waved his hand, smiled at Xiao Qiang, indicating to him that it was nothing, and then said: "Xiao Qiang, tell everyone, what should we do next?"

"Yeah," Xiao Qiang nodded, took a step forward, and said to the people looking at him: "Bingyan, Brother Ding, you two will lead the 200 people from the legion to the base to help Brother Liang." Arrange these people properly. Also, the remaining Wang Peng and Wang Lei lead the remaining nearly 150 people. Everyone has sufficient ammunition and bombs. They will wait for the people from Tongjiang Base to come tomorrow and follow these gangs. The people of the company do it.”

"Okay." Everyone responded in unison.

Wang Peng and Wu Shan began to command the truck, select the remaining people and weapons, and arrange the trivial matters.

Xiao Qiang walked to the car window of Brother Ding and Lin Bingyan, looked at the two of them and said: "Bingyan, Brother Ding, please pay more attention to safety all the way back. The urban area is not as good as our Longshan base, and there are still powerful zombies here. A lot of."

"Don't worry, I will definitely send these people back to our base safely. Xiao Qiang, you kid, I really made a mistake when I was at the Black Wind Base. I didn't expect someone to be so capable. I have only been here for two days, and I have already collected everyone from the base in the city." Ding Ge assured Xiao Qiang while sitting in the driving seat of a car, and also praised Xiao Qiang.

"Brother Ding, thank you. The main reason is that the people in the city have long been fed up with being bullied by people from Company M, so there are so many people willing to follow us to Longshan Base. I actually didn't do anything. . However, when they arrive at Longshan Base, we must treat them equally and not bully these people from the city." Xiao Qiang warned Brother Ding again.

"You, just think about how you can avoid getting hurt once tomorrow's war starts. Remember tomorrow, you will not be allowed to get hurt. Don't you know?" Lin Bingyan pouted her small mouth and raised her hand The pink and tender little fist looked at Xiao Qiang and said seriously and threateningly.

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