Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 352 Professional Legionnaires (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"Yeah, don't worry, I promise to complete the task. Xiao Qiang smiled at Lin Bingyan, and by the way, he stretched out his hand to rub Lin Bingyan's head.

Ding Ge was sitting in the driver's seat, and he turned his head away very tactfully, pretending to look away.

"Hmph, that's more like it." Lin Bingyan smiled cutely at Xiao Qiang, revealing her white teeth and sweet dimples.

At this time, Xiao Qiang's parents, who were sitting in the back seat, saw this and whispered to each other.

"Old man, do you think our Qiangzi is dating that pretty girl?" Xiao Qiang's mother said to his father while looking at the two of them.

"I think so, and haven't you noticed that our Qiangzi has changed a lot recently. Not only has his body become a lot stronger, but his personality has also become a lot more lively and cheerful." Xiao Qiang's father observed very carefully, smiled, and said to his mother.

"Yeah, I think so too, this is a good thing, our Qiangzi was too honest before. "Xiao Qiang's mother added.

"Mom and Dad, let Bingyan take you back to the base first. I will be able to return to the base tomorrow night. I will go to see you two then." Xiao Qiang spoke to his parents again.

"Qiangzi, why don't you return to the base with us? It's so dangerous here, why are you still staying here?" Xiao Qiang's mother was a little worried, holding Xiao Qiang's hand and asked worriedly.

"Mom and Dad, I still have some things to deal with here, and I will be able to return to the base tomorrow night." Xiao Qiang didn't want to make his parents worry too much, so he spoke to comfort his parents.

"It's so dangerous here, and there are so many bad guys, why are you staying here? Come with us." Xiao Qiang's mother was still a little anxious, holding Xiao Qiang's hand tightly, and said to Xiao Qiang.

"The child is grown up and has his own ideas. We can't treat the child like before. It's time to let Qiangzi make his own decisions. "Xiao Qiang's father also came over to persuade him at this time.

"Yes, uncle and aunt, don't worry, Xiao Qiang is very powerful now, just like those mutant humans you have seen before, otherwise we would not let him be our leader." Ding Ge and Lin Bingyan also turned their heads to persuade Xiao Qiang's parents.

"Well, Qiangzi, then you have to pay attention to safety, those bad guys are too bad, you must be careful." Xiao Qiang's mother nodded and reminded Xiao Qiang again.

"Don't worry, Mom and Dad, I will pay attention. "Xiao Qiang said to his parents.

After speaking, Xiao Qiang stood up, gave an order, and waved to the entire convoy. Six trucks and four cars, led by Lin Bingyan and Brother Ding, set off for Longshan Base.

After the convoy was out of sight, Xiao Qiang looked at the people around him who were armed with guns, and Wang Peng, Wang Lei and Wu Shan stood behind them.

Among these people, except for the 50 people brought from Longshan Base, the rest were all people from the original legion. At just a glance, Xiao Qiang could see the difference.

Although the people in the legion are already in the end of the world, they can still generally maintain the training they had in the legion before. . Whether it is standing or carrying a gun, there are differences. Moreover, the 100 people in the legion can still maintain a good formation. Although they are not very neat, they appear to be very orderly.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang smiled, but thought in his heart that professional things must be done by professionals. When he returns to Longshan Base, he must let Wu Shan and others train well.

"Now, you go to a nearby building, go in first, hide in it, and arrange the personnel on duty. Then everyone can take a rest and recuperate, waiting to contact the people in Tongjiang Base tomorrow, and then you can start to attack the urban base." Xiao Qiang spoke to the rest of the people, lowered his voice and said.

"Brother Wu Shan is the commander, obey Wu Shan's arrangements, and you two are deputy commanders. "Xiao Qiang turned around and said to the remaining three people.

After speaking, Xiao Qiang pulled Wu Shan aside and said, "Wang Peng has been following me since the end of the world. He is thoughtful and careful. If you encounter any problems, you can consult him for reference."

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