Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 353 Waking up in the morning (ask for bookshelf!)

Before every battle, Xiao Qiang liked to take Wang Peng with him, because Wang Peng could always make people feel at ease to give him some tasks.

"Don't worry, this is no problem." Wu Shan patted his chest and assured Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, you guys hurry over. When it's dawn, I will take advantage of the chaos to try to rescue Brother Han. You guys pay more attention to safety and act according to the plan at that time." Xiao Qiang waved to everyone and reminded them.

"Okay, you also pay attention to safety." Everyone said to Xiao Qiang.

After speaking, watching Wang Peng and Wu Shan lead everyone to a nearby tall building, Xiao Qiang also turned around and returned to the base.

Along the way, because the people in the third circle and the people in the legion evacuated, walking among these tents at this moment seemed particularly quiet. In addition, there was no light around, and the wailing of zombies from time to time in the distance, the cold wind blew, and Xiao Qiang felt a chill coming, and a sense of loneliness constantly invaded Xiao Qiang.

I am lucky. When the end of the world happened, I not only had many partners around me, but also got a system.

But how many people in this world are suffering from loneliness and fear of zombies at this moment. Perhaps, they have no food, let alone the ability to mutate. They can only carefully shuttle between cities, fearing and avoiding zombies every day. How scared and lonely they must be.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang is more determined to clean up the zombies in this world, and he must speed up the pace of upgrading. At the same time, his base must be more open to absorb those who are willing to come to the base. Not only that, but also must manage the base well, so that those living in the base can enjoy the warm feeling in this end of the world. No other, who let himself have such a powerful system.

Looking up at the sky for a while, the stars in the sky kept flashing. Maybe tomorrow will be a good weather, but there will definitely be a big war tomorrow, and this is the battlefield of the war.

Soon, Xiao Qiang returned to his room after dodging the sleepy M company guards.

Lying on the bed, Xiao Qiang fell asleep quickly. Xiao Qiang didn't sleep well that night. Maybe because he was worried about the battle tomorrow, Xiao Qiang started to have the same dream as before. In the dream, Xiao Qiang was trapped in a group of zombies and fought with them.

In the early morning, Xiao Qiang, who was still asleep, was awakened by the sound of running outside. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and stretched hard. Xiao Qiang knew that it must be these M company people who discovered the situation of the third circle. And he also wanted to take advantage of their chaos now to see if he could rescue Brother Han.

After drinking a sip of water, Xiao Qiang walked out of the door and reached out to stop a younger brother who was running in a hurry.

"What happened? You were so flustered so early in the morning that you woke me up. What happened? Are there zombies attacking again?" Xiao Qiang pretended not to know and stopped the younger brother to ask.

"What zombies? Let me tell you, a strange thing happened in the third circle. Early in the morning, the team that was supposed to be on duty went to the third circle. Guess what happened?" The younger brother also described it vividly, gesturing to Xiao Qiang and saying.

"What happened?" Xiao Qiang also asked very cooperatively, and at the same time, handed over a cigarette.

"The patrols found that the third circle was empty. All the legionaries and the civilians disappeared. No, Brother Xuan was also furious and asked us to go over and guard. Not only that, the ammunition was gone." The younger brother took the cigarette, took a puff, and said.

"Oh, this is a big deal." Xiao Qiang pretended to think and said.

"Of course I am. I told you, I have to hurry over. The captain will be looking for me soon." The younger brother threw away the cigarette butt, said something to Xiao Qiang, and ran towards the third lap in a panic.

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